Return To Home

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Maya and Lucas were getting back in the car to go back to there house across the street.
Lucas and Maya:Here goes nothing.
They open the door and the house is a mess.
Riley came out looking very disheveled.
Maya:Riley,you are pregnant and you need to take care of yourself. Also, what did you do to our house?!
Riley: I had a killer party!
Maya(Mockingly):Well, you're gonna have a killer time cleaning the house.
Maya handed her mops and brooms and other things to clean with.
Riley: Sorry. If you want there is some wine over there.
Maya: I'm obviously pregnant so the answer is no.
Lucas: Oh by the way, Maya you have an ultrasound appointment in about 30 minutes.
Maya: Oh God! We better get going. This house better be clean when we get back.
Maya and Lucas went out and slammed the door behind them.
In The Car:
Maya: I cant believe she did this!
Lucas: I can't either but stress is-
Maya: Bad for the baby. I know.
Lucas: Okay. We're here.
At The Doctor:
Receptionist: Maya Friar Room 32.
Maya walks to Room 32 with the help of Lucas.
They arrive in the room and Maya pulls her shirt up.

Dr. Mourey:Hey Mr. and Mrs. Friar!

Maya and Lucas:Hey!

Dr Mourey: As much as I hate abortion, with you being 3 months along and all, this is the last opportunity for it.

Maya:That won't be necesary.

Dr Mourey:Wonderful! So Maya, has anything been stressing you out lately?

Maya:My friend Riley has been staying with us and she has been a pain. She's also pregnant and she's getting an abortion, so i guess her killing her own child has been kind of stressful for me.

Dr Mourey:Is there anyway you can get her to stay at a motel or something.

Maya:Its possible but let me discuss something with my husband first.

Maya pulls Lucas in the hallway.

Maya:Do you think Zay would let her stay with him.

Lucas(knowingly): Do you really think Zay would let her stay there?

Maya: Of course not! It was his idea though to have whatever the crap this reunion thing is, so he deserves it.

Lucas: We can drop her off at Zay's when we get home.

Maya: Thank you from me.

Maya pecks his lips.

Maya:And thank you from Macy.

Maya kisses him on the cheek.

The baby is healthy and so is Maya so they head home.

They burst through the door and they head to the guest room.

Maya:Pack your stuff Riley. You are staying with Zay.


Riley packs her stuf and heads upstairs where Maya and Lucas are waiting.

Lucas:You ready?

Riley:Yeah hot stuff!

Lucas suddenly becomes uncomfortable.

Maya becomes jealous.

Maya:You know on second thought, I'll come with you.

They head out the door and over to Zay"s.

When they arrive they stick a note to Riley that says:

Hey Zay, Karma for inventing this reunion crap-Sincerely Maya F.

Maya:Enjoy your new home Riley. They drove across the street back to their home.

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