Chapter 14

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It had been 6 months since the wedding. After Aslan had gone we danced the whole night. Zoey and grandma left the next day and I promised I would come live with grandma once I got back. A week ago the Pevensies disappeared. They went home and I knew it was gonna be our time soon. A part of me wanted to go back. But a part of me also wanted to stay. I don't know how and if I would be able to find Stark back at home. I'm afraid to be without him and I'm afraid I will relapse. "Hey. What's on your mind?" Stark asked me interrupting my train of thoughts. "I'm scared. It must be near time for us to go home as well. What if I loose control. What if I blow my cover and someone finds out about me. I don't think I'm ready to face my mom and the steploser." "Hey don't worry it'll be alright. You've got my phone number right? Just call me when you need me okay" he said while taking me into his arms. "I will. I love you Stark I don't want to say goodbye" I told him clinging to his shirt. "It won't be goodbye daughter. It'll be a see you soon." "Aslan please I don't think I'm ready" I told him. "You really think I would let you go back if you weren't ready?" Aslan asked me. "No. But Aslan I'm scared." "Don't be it'll be fine. Go live with your grandma and twin sister. Everything will work out. Another change is on its way. Another war is about to unleash. They need both of you. Without you the good side will lose and the world will fall into despair and ruin. I'm sorry daughter I know it will be hard but I'm sure you two will succeed." "Will you help me?" I asked Aslan. "Whenever I can" he reassured me. I looked into his eyes and suddenly all my fear disappeared. "Okay let's do this. Stark I'll see you soon just don't take too long 'kay?" Stark chuckled. "I won't. I love you. Stay safe" he told me. "I Love you too. I will." We gave each other a last hug and a kiss goodbye and holding hands turned to Aslan. "Take care of Narnia okay?" I told the great lion. "Don't worry Your Majesties I will." he reassured us. Aslan gave us both a lion kiss and I closed my eyes. When I opened them again a train raced by only mere inches from me and I was alone. It was like nothing ever happened. But I knew for sure that it had happened because I could still feel the magic running through my veins. "LINNEA!" I heard Zoey and Grandma yell. Zoey dragged me away from the tracks. "Come on U-we-tsi-a-ge-ya let's go to my house, you've got your car in the parking lot right?" grandma said. "yes it is but don't we have to get all our stuff?" I asked her. "Already been taken care off they're in my car" Zoey said with a mischievous grin. "You guys are the best" I told them. "We know. now let's go!" Zoey told me. And so we walked to the cars and into a hopefully different future as the one I had before I went to Narnia. But the voice of Aslan echoed through my mind "Another change is on its way. Be prepared." "Please Aslan help me be strong, help me be the Queen you want me to be" I prayed to him. "Daughter you already are. Listen to your instincts they won't let you down."
I didn't know what was coming. But I knew one thing...

I was ready for it.

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