chapter 2: for the worst

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I take a second myself calm myself there's really only one way out of here that i can see. I bet some of this rope will come in handy so I well tie it to one of my belt loops. I walked over to leave through the giant hole in the wall, but I'm instantly greeted by the bone chilling darkness, theres no telling whats in there.....but theres no way of knowing until it would be to late.

Hmmmm there's got to be something in here I can use for light....... The torches in here would work perfectly! I reach to grab one off the wall and all my ambitions of getting out of here sink as the torch doesn't budge or even make a noise, it just stays there solitary  in the wall. I felt my heart hit my stomach at a hundred miles per hour. I take another glance at the chilling darkness and swallow my fears like a nasty gulp of cough syrup. This is the only way I see of leaving this place and im not waiting to see what other Things are stering around...I began my decent into the hole in the wall and I am instantly smothered in this darkness and I swear I can hear my bones under my skin crying to venture no further. I feel like listening to them but I find a reassuring sign when I find a cold stone wall at my back.

Ill just keep this to my back so I can't get lost by woundering. With each step i can hear what sounds like several more steps around me so I stop just to find it was just my own echo giving me false hopes and creeps. Its endless i have been wounded for hours or at least it feels as such it could just be the never ending darkness taking hold of my senses. I stop and sink to my kneees were am I?????? That question just boggles around my skull until I just can't take it.     "WERE AM I!?!?!?!?!?!" I yell with all of my being. And the darkness has no reply for me just silence and an echo that seemed to go forever. Then it was still again in the darkness no sound just my own breathes.

   But with out warning the floor beneath me creaked and shook. I jumped to my feet "wha...." the sound fell out of my mouth as the floor split open. Vanquishing all traces of the dark with light and leaving me blind and disorientated i lost my feet from myself. I open my eyes again to find that I am falling......

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2014 ⏰

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