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I slung myself up in my bed. I was panting. A ball of sweat slid down my forehead. I looked around my room to see if it was real this time. I let out a sigh as I realized it was another nightmare. They're back. Ever since I could remember I had nightmares. They didn't get worst until a couple years ago. They started getting more vivid. Then they started happening when I was wide awake. Turns out I was hallucinating. I been to doctors and nothing has helped. I was labeled schizophrenia. I laid back down and just stared at the ceiling. Tomorrow is another day I keep telling myself that. I rolled over to my side. I looked straight ahead to the gray dull block walls. I let a sigh. I was put into the mental asylum a couple days ago. I was at work when I saw it. I worked at retail store and a customer came up to me. Except this customer was an average looking customer. The face was distorted and looked evil. The eye sockets were hallow and the mouth had razor sharp teeth. I screamed and claimed they were here to attack me and take me away. Needless to say that wasn't the case. I don't think.

My door swung open. An Orderly walked in pulling a cart. I haven't learned his name yet but he seems sweet for the moment.

"Wake up sweetie. Time for your meds and breakfast." I sat up and looked at him. His face fell from a smile to a frown. I must had a pathic look. I know I did because all I wanted to do was cry. I haven't felt this sad and depressed my whole till now. Nit even my child hood or when these visions started. I stood up and walked over to him. He gave me a little paper cup with three colorful pills. I poured them in my mouth. He hands me another small paper cup full of water to wash them away. I swallowed them. I handed them back to hi. To throw away. He raises an eyebrow. I nod in understanding. I open my mouth and moved my tongue around so he could check and see if I actually swallowed them. It funny how many people claim they are just drugging us to keep his here. I wish if only that was true. He pushed the cart out and went on about his business. I grabbed my white robe and walked out to get breakfast. I walked into mess hall and just looked at everyone. This place has three sections in in the psych ward. Just your basic crazy nothing major. Then you have second section which are your criminally insane. You know people you violently hurt or even killed people and are proven they are off their rocker. Then you have your extreme mental cases. The ones that can't function outside of here. The kind that play with their poop. The three section never cross paths or anything. So I am grateful for that. I went to go get a tray and some food. They plopped some unappealing oatmeal on my plate. I went to go sit down and try to eat something.

❤💙Sam'S POV💙❤

I was sitting at my table scrolling through in recent news when an article popped up. A woman has been institutionalize for hallucinating. He that's strange. I scrolled through and kept reading. Her doctor said she suffers from night terror since she was young and these vision just recently surfaced.

"Hey Dean come check this out." a couple seconds later Dean walked in with a beer. I pushed the laptop to face him so he could read.

"You don't think?"

"Dude her last name is Mortem. Its Latin for death. She has to be another one."

"Another one?" Michele walked in. She walked over to Dean and grabbed his arm. He met her not long ago on a case we had.

"Another reincarnate." Dean answered her. She gasped.

"Like me maybe?" He smiled at her and she beamed. I never seen him this happy in a long time. She was a cute little blonde with thick black rimmed glasses. She was a rough and tough with an attitude to match Dean. Its hard to picture Dean settleing down with a daughter of a horsemen. Michele is the horseman of War. Dean announced we were taking this case and to go pack and get ready. I shut my laptop and walked out. Don't get me wrong I'm really glad they found eachother. Has good for her as much as she's good for him. He helps her with her anger and starting I guess you could say war amongst people and she helps him with everything. Main thing is to be happy and not focus on the bad all the time.

The next day....

Dean and I walked into the asylum wearing our regular suits. We walked up to the front desk.

"Good afternoon ma'am we was wondering if we could possibly speak with a patient of yours? Jacky Mortem?" Dean asked the nurse. She began typing on her computer and looked up her files.


"Sam and Dean Mortem." I answered. She looked at us.

"Any relations?"

"Brothers." I spoke again. She smiled at me. Was she checking me out?

"Good because only relatives can see her. Walk down this hall to the visiting room and shell be right there to meet you." We thanked her and walked where she showed us. Note before she gave us each a visitor pass. A guard let is into the visiting room. I looked around for her but she was no where to be seen. We went over to sit at a table to wait. A few moments later Dean hit me to get my attention. I looked to see where he was gesturing to. A timid girl walked out. She couldn't be more then 23. She had long jet black hair and porcelain pale skin. I heard Dean whisper that she honestly looks like Death. She saw us staring at her and walked over to us. She sat down and just looked with her big green eyes. She didn't say anything at first.

"Hi Jacky. I'm Sam and this is Dean." She looked at me and then to Dean. She looked down and back up at me.

"You know with what I have its hard to tell what's real and not but one thing I can say is that you two aren't my brothers." She calmly spoke. "I am not Eli g an interview so if that's what you want then you may go." She kept looking down. My heart breaks for this girl.

"We aren't here for interview. We may have answeres to your questions if you answer ours."She snapped up to look at Dean. She nod for him to go on. He asked when did the visions start and what are the dreams of? And has she developed anything else.

"For me to answer that you need to know my whole life history." She took a deep breath. "I was abandoned as a baby on the porch of a Catholic church for orphans. I know very cliché. But it was true. I grew up in there till I was eighteen and had to go. I had awful nightmares. Of weird creatures and such. Even young lady always running. She had on a black dress. Like what ancient Greek wore. But she was always running. Her long black hair being her in the wind. After I was eighteen. I been from one job to another and also going to school. The visions and hearing things didn't start until two or three years ago. The night before it started a strange skinny man came to me in my dreams and said its time. That my destiny as been in play. I didn't know what that meant but ever since then its been awful." Jacky had tear filled eyes.

"Jacky what you are seeing are people's souls." I responded.

"That strange skinny man name was Death. He was one of the four horsemen. When he died it activated you. You are his daughter. But also like a reincarnated version of him." She looked at us strange. She started laughing.

"Really? You expect me to believe that?"

"No we don't. But we know another one just like you. Here." Dean pulled out his phone and showed her a picture of Michele. Jacky grabbed the phone and study the picture.

"Its funny to me. But in this picture I swear I see fire just burning through her." She almosted smiled.

"Yeah you probably do. She's pure hellfire. Don't tell her I said that. She's just like you. But she's the daughter to the horseman of war." Dean shoved his phone Jon his pocket.

"Are you talking about the four horsemen that are spoken in revelation in the bible?" She was stunned. We nodded. She looked back at the table and then back at us.
"Lets say I believe you. Can I meet Michele? I never met anyone like me before."

"She's technically your cousin. The horsemen were brothers." I smirked as I told her. She did a faint smile.

After visiting hours were over we left. We sat in the car. I looked over at Dean.

"We need to get her out of there." He looked back at me.

"Already coming up with a plan." He looked serious. He turned Baby kn and we drove back to the motel.

A/N: Yes I know another supernatural fanfic. This is dedicated to my wonderful sister jax__B

✌Peace and love ❤

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