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💚💙SAM's POV💙💚

We pulled up to the asylum. The plan was for us to go in and sign some papers to have her released to out custody. If not Michele will be our plan B. Dean and I got put of the Impala. We walked in and up to the reception desk. The nurse from yesterday instantly. She smiled at us.

"Morning gentlemen. She should be up and heading to breakfast right about now if you want me go get her." She went to stand up.

"No thats okay. We was wondering what do we need to sign la do to get her released intl our custody?" I asked. She looked at us.

"I will have to call her doctor up here. Give me just a second." She held up a figure and walked out.

"Dean text Michele and tell her to come in impersonate a doctor." I whispered. Dean pulled out his phone and dis just that. He slid his phone back into his pocket and smirked at me. We stood there for a couple more minutes till the nurse came back with a doctor. He was a short tan little man. He smiled at us holding a folder.

"Gentlemen. I'm Dr. Robinson." He shook our hands. "I understand you are wanting your sister to be release into your custody. Am I correct?"

"Yes sir. We just found her and we want to bring her home to us." Dean spoke. The doctor smirked.

"She's an intense case. We just can't release her out into the world. She needs more therapy and help. Something just you two could provide." He held hisnhead high. The doors open and I saw Michele rushed over to us.

"I'm sorry I'm late babe. I got stuck in traffic." She saw the doctor and smiled.

"Hi. I'm Dr. Mortem." She shook his hand.

"This Dr. Robinson Jacky's doctor." He looked at the doctor. "This is my wife who specialize in mental health
She will be the main one helping with Jack." I couldn't help but see the doctor shrink down. I smirked at him. He loomed back at the nurse and told her type up some paperwork. He open up the folder and began jotting this s don. He handed it to the birse who began typing away. He loomed at us.

"Sign right here stating I have told you everything and even giving you information and her medicine and how much to take and when." He handed the pen l Dean who signed. The nurse stood up and stapled a bunch of sheets together. She handed them to the doctor who began telling us all what wrong and what I watch out for. I zoned out. We lnpw what is wrong with her and how to fix her. Just like with Michele. Only if she wants to. The nurse picked up a phone and called someone and told them that Jacky is being released today. We went to the waiting room to wait for her. A few minutes later she was brought out to us by an Orderly. She saw us and gave us a confused look. We walked over to her.

"Reedy to go home sis?" Dean asked. She held a small smile and nod. We lead her outside to the Impala.

"Sam sit upfront. I want to sit in the back with sweety here.


A blonde shoved me into the back seat and climbed in after me. She wore a red pencil skirt and black pumps. Her shirt was a white sleeveless button up. She had a redness about her. I noticed a bit of fire in her. Then it hit. It was Michele from Dean's phone. The girl that was just like me.

"Hi I'm Michele. Daughter of the Horsemen of War." She smiled brightly at me. She moved her dark rimmed glasses futher up her nose. I smiled back and shook her hand.

"Jacky. Daughter of Death." I wanted to laugh. I looked at her. "How did you find out?" She smiled even brighter.

"Funny story. It was the day I met my wonderful husband Dean. I was causing mayhem in a city I lived in because I was bored. I did that all my life. Even in preschool. Like you I was abandoned but I was adopted by a wealthy family. Nasty people. Like the worst. The were never around. I literally can not tell you what they look like. Thats how much I've seen them. So oneday I was real bored and just walking through town and doing my thing. Next thing I knew a shiny black impala cam barrowling down the road and stopped in front of me. These two guys jumped out and ran to me. We talked and converse and next thing I know. I'm having a quick wedding because I loved him so much so why wait." She seemed real happy.

"Thats real sweet." I told her.

"That was sweet babe." Dean spoke from the front seat. We pulled up to a motel. They all got out and so did I. I followed them into a room. Michele went to go laydown on a bed. Dean walked over and sat down beside her. Sam called me over and we sat at the table. He offered me a beer but I declined. Awful stuff. He smiled. He asked me what all I seen and experience. I went more into details about my nightmares ad hallucinations. How every person I see is different. And on occasion if I touch someone they died somehow. It was weird. Not everytime but some of the time.

"I know you mentioned I can see people's souls. If thats true then I'm very sorry for whatever you been through. It has been a rough life for you. Your soul is barely there. Its tattered and beaten. But still burning bright." He held a ghost of a smile.

"Thank you Jacky. It sure as hell has been an hell of a ride." He reached into his pocket and pulled something out. He places a ring down in front of me. You could tell it was mans ring. It was silver with a square white stone in the middle. I looked up at Sam questioning.

"Thats Death's ring. It belongs to you now." He took in a breath. "If you choose too."

"I'm sorry what?"

"We have found a way to release you from this curse. The same way with Michele." I looked back to my sleeping cousin. I watched her sleep soundless. I want that. I want one peaceful night of sleep. But what would happen if I choose to get rid of it? Or keep it?

"What are the outcomes if I keep it or get rid of it?"

"If you keep it you will live forever but you will have to endure everything negative. See into everyone's souls. Can't have human contact what so ever. A lonely dark life. But on the plus side. If you choose not to. The curse will pass kn to the next in line and you will be vision and hallucinations free. You can live a long happy life. You can still see things but not near as bad as now. Just mainly like a promonition of sorts."

"What about the person next in line?"

"We will find that out when you choose and we go where we need to go."

"I can give this curse to some innocent bystander." I argued. He smiled.

"You won't. It will probably end up going to a reaper. Michele's went to a demon."

"A reaper?"

"Like the grim reaper. They are real. Everything is real." He was amused. We spent rest of the night talking about everything I though was make believe. Even fries are real?

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