She was ten when the class fish, Oregers, got pregnant.
“B-but, Oregers isn't married!” She shouted, looking frantic. Her mother had told her that bad things happened to those who got pregnant before marriage, that's why she wasn't to talk to her cousin, May. She liked Oregers, she didn't want any bad to come to the goldfish and she certainly didn't want to never talk to Oregers again. Though, when she thought about it, she had no clue how one got to be pregnant. She was sure still, that being pregnant before marriage was the worse thing a woman could do.
The teacher sighed, she really didn't want to explain how pregnancy worked. She hoped the children's parents took care of that. “Fish don't get married like we do, Shania.” she said finally.
Shania tried to calm her frenzied heart, “then how is she pregnant?”
Then it happened.
The girl in front of her turned around, and winked.
Shania's worried heart paced faster, so fast she thought she might have a heart attack like her grandmother did. Her face burned, so hot that she thought her skin might burst into flames. Her stomach churned, so pleasantly that Shania found herself wanting to feel the sensation again.
And from that day forth, Shania knew she wanted to marry Shania.