Chapter One: A dream is just a dream right?

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"The spirits whisper on a chilling wind as the blood continues to flow.
I can hear the girl screaming within as the darkness continues to grow."

Four figures dressed in all black were standing around the girl, she was curled up on the ground, she was wearing hand cuffs. I couldn't see her face as it was dark as the night sky,
but her body looked badly bruised and hurt And then the floor began
to shake, it was like the earth quake we had when I was younger and then a black hole opened up in the floor, the girl was going to fall.

"Help me!" The girl whispered weakly, but know one was listening or cared.

"Help her!"I shouted but know
one could hear or see me. As I bent down to try and help her, she was falling I stretched out my arm trying to catch her, grab her anything
but all I caught was air. There was no ground beneath my feet and I started
to fall too. We touched finger tips and I saw bright blue sparks in the darkness.

I tried really hard to hold on but she slipped through my fingers and
at that moment all I could feel was loss.

"Nooo!!" I screamed.

I sat up with a jerk, trying to catch my breath. My eyes sore from crying focused on a patch of dim light in the darkness.

I could hear my heart pounding to the sound of the rain outside, it must be morning. I was in my room. My room was hot and damp, from the rain. As I looked around my room I noticed my
window open, why was my window open I thought to myself as I got up
to close it.

Well today is the day, I thought sadly staring up at my celling as I was
laid on my bed. We burry my Grandma.

As I looked in the mirror and saw my refection starring back at me, I was 5ft 8 and had dark hair that nearly covered my green eyes I was messing around trying to do my tie, when there was a knock on my door it was my great aunt Di, she was my grandma's younger sister she walked towards me and started to sorted out my tie, she put her hand on my check as she looked me in the eyes... Aunt Di always says

"The eyes are window to the soul"
I was sure I saw a tear coming out of her eyes.

Authors note: Let me know what you think. Thanks

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