Going The Distance

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Going The Distance

(Hi! So this is part two of a series I'm working on. Part three (Obstacles) is still ongoing so I'm working on it! Hope you like it! )

Happy Reading! x


So the saying is distance makes the heart grow fonder right? NOT. More like distance makes a person go insane until they can’t breathe and realize they can’t live without the person.  It wasn’t like it was the first time we were going to be away from each other. Three weeks was an awfully long time to be away from someone you love though. I honestly thought that he and I would be okay. I didn’t think he’d find another girl. He loved me. Although there were lots and lots of other girls out there that were skinnier and prettier and less crazy then I am I thought he loved me for that. It took me so long to realize I could fall and that he’d be there to catch me. I had just gotten over my insecurities. I didn’t want them to grow back. I really didn’t think that distance would do that to me. Distance was supposed to make the heart grow fonder. Not worrisome that he would cheat and I would end up broken hearted. I really didn’t think that anything would happen. Maybe I was lying to myself or something because everything had been perfect with Harry and me until now. We thought we could go the distance. We were sure we could. But then again, here I sat; crying my eyes out. Not knowing what to do with everything. I didn’t even think he knew what to do with himself. We both didn’t know what to do. We both made mistakes that hurt both of us equally. Would we make it though…? I didn’t know.

But I knew we had to try. If distance made the heart grow fonder there had to be something to salvage.

Chapter One (Charleese)

“We will be landing at London Heathrow airport in about five minutes please prepare for landing. It is currently 3 degrees Celsius and raining. Please enjoy your stay in the London area!”

Thank the lord. I hated long flights. I was glad I spent a week with my mom back home but I hated the long flight back to London. I think the only nice part was I would get to physically see Harry again. I hadn’t kissed him or touched him or anything in a week and I was secretly hoping I would be able to control myself. I wasn’t sure if he would be able to control himself. The texts that he was sending me were pretty racy and they would never ever be repeated. We both agreed it would be good for me to see my mom and though distance was supposed to make the heart grow fonder for us I don’t think it was. It made us crazy. The first night I was alone in my bed at home I wondered how I ever slept like this. Most nights Harry stayed at my apartment because Payton more or less lived at Niall’s since they were still together and going strong. And when she was at home and Louis wasn’t I would stay at Harry’s. I would fall asleep in his arms and wake up to him every morning. It was heaven.

I couldn’t wait to be back home. London was my home now. About a week before I went away Payton and I had gotten our duel citizenships for England. The boys were ecstatic. I would still have Canada as one of my homes but home for me was London. Well Payton like to say home was anywhere Harry was… I just brushed that off.  I was in love. We had been together for almost three months now. We spent Christmas with his family and I met his mum and his sister. They were so lovely. I couldn’t believe that he loved me as much as he did. Payton went back to Calgary to see her parents because she knew it would be one of the last times she took a trip there. Her parents were moving to Phoenix Arizona because it was nice and warm there so she wouldn’t really have a home in Calgary anymore.

The plane landed and my heart began to pound. I was exhausted though. At home it was 2AM in Calgary which meant only 9:00 in the morning here. All I wanted to do was sleep but I knew that wouldn’t be an option when I saw Harry. Things with us had been so perfect. The dinners, the dates, the baths… okay well those were not supposed to be mentioned so we would just stop there. But anyways we were just so good together. We never fought, I got over my insecurities and he was just my superman. He had that one thing that I needed and I had that one thing he needed. We didn’t know what it was but we knew that each of us had that one thing that we needed. I just loved him. No amount of words could describe how much I did.

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