Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Well hello there, Gabe", I said scanning his features. He was very handsome. And those teeth... My God! They were whiter than snow!

"Have you been here for long?", he asks.

" Ja, litte grann. Actually, all my life... Eighteen years.", I say.

"I see you speak some Swedish. As do I, but not fluently yet. "

A lady's voice came in the intercom. "Flight 7B is now boarding. Please proceed to the corridors."

Gabe and I (and the others) got up. What a coincidence! Our seats are right next to each other.

We boarded the plane with our carry on and we put them in the compartment and sat in our seats.

Gabe had a window seat, I was in the middle, and a boy around 7 was to my left.

He was playing on a gameboy, looks like Pokemon Gold. He was pretty into it too. He used a unique team. He had Pikachu, Electrabuzz, Charmander, Riachu, Suduko, and Meownth.

Anyways, I looked at Gabe and said,"Oh my gosh... I didn't even tell you my name! My name is Nicole. Nicole Waters", I said with a laugh.

"Well hello there, Nicole Waters", he said.

" So are you moving to Michigan?", I asked.

"Nope. I live there. I came down here to Tennessee to visit my best friend who moved."

"Aww that's sweet. Btw I'm going to WMU."

"Sweet! That's where I go! You're gonna like Michigan. There's tons to do. Are you going to that party tonight? I heard there's gonna be a lot of people there. You could make some friends", he said with a smile.

"I guess it couldn't hurt anyone."

And boy was I right.

The last thing I remember was talking to Gabe about infinity.

I woke up around the time we landed. Gabe told me that there were a lot of bad turbulants (idk how to spell it sorry) and that I was lucky that I fell asleep while it happened.

We landed around 6 pm. We got off, and our luggage was waiting for us.

We got our stuff and left the airport.


"I should've gotten my jacket out like you did." I said.

" Here, take my jacket."

He placed his heavy leather jacket around my shoulders.

"Thanks so much.", I shivered.

Oh, apparently, Gabe was a skater too. Except he had a penny board, and I had a longboard.

We made our way to WMU and saw a load of people.

One guy, about the same age of Gabe, said hi. He looked me up and down. "Is this your girlfriend or something?", he asked.


I was blushing so much I bet I was as red as a fire hydrant.

He looked me in the eyes, turned to the guy and said," Nah Patrick. We're just friends."

He got close to Patrick and whispered in his ear, " For now."

I don't think I was supposed to hear that.

• • • • •

Hope you enjoyed :3 Love you all! Remember to comment, vote, and share! :)

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Yes that's right ;) *brofist*

Later :3

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