Chapter 9

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Stone woke up looking around in the darkest trying to remember what happen as the memories cam flooding in. The whole fight how she had too leave. If only she wasn't... wait. Anyone there? Stone asked looking around hearing shuffling in the bushes. What's a little pipsqueak doing out here in the woods? Doesn't she know it's dangerous? She heard voices say as she backed up. Don't be afraid little pipsqueak! It's just me! A parrot said flying off a tree landing in front of her. And me! A lizard said blended out of the tree she was leaning on. Guys don't forget ussss! A fox and wolf said coming out of a tree top and a bush. Well if you guys weren't so busy making o- so who are you? The wolf said looking at stone. Oh! We haven't introduced ourselves haved we? Well my name is Flour. The wolf said sitting down. This parrot is Buster and this lizard is spark! Oh ya and I'm Abby! The fox said gently and calmly heading towards her. So who are you then little pipsqueak? The parrot asked tilting his head. I'm Stone. I'm heh a loin if you don't know. The wolf and fox backed up a little. Don't worry! I mean no harm my new friends. Stone said walking to them. But what's a l-loin doing in a jungle? Spark asked blending in with the ground. Long story short I kinda got blamed of something I didn't do. Stone said but that's a story for another time. Soooo I need a place too stay. You guys have anywhere or ideas? Stone asked sitting down. Yes! There should be a town near here, called buffet. All animals go there in peace but it's very small. We usually stay there for food and water if where bored or can't find anything. Buster said giving a smile with his beak. Well what are we waiting for? Well... it's only open on certain days but including it's a holiday week it's offline right now. Whats a.... holday? Holiday, are when... you know like Christmas? Abby asked. No... I'm not sure. How about your birthday! Flour said. Oh ya! Well then what holiday is this. Well, thanksgiving? You ever heard of it?no. Stone said giving a confused look. Well most of the time the walking trees eat turkey but we prefer peace and something like that. Spark said blending out of the ground. Well that's nice too know. But shouldn't we be getting food? Yes! Yes we should! The feast is in four days! Would you like to help stone? Buster asked spreading out his wings. Um sure what do you want me too do... exactly? How about you try finding some berries. Put them in these baskets once your down picking them! And head that way! Buster said pointing his wing behind him while giving stone some paw made leaf baskets. Stone hurried off towards that way looking for some berries. What kind? She thought picking some red berries off of a bush. She picked one up by her tiny claw and plopped it in her mouth. Hm! Sweet! She said seeing some blacks berries. She put them in the basket and then saw a shadowy figure behind her. Who's there she exclaim pointing her claw. Nothing. Stone sighed and grabbed some fruits she saw hanging on a tree while walking back. Well you're back! Where just waiting for Abby to be here with some grapes and water and dinner should be ready soon. Flour said smile. Stone smiled back and looked at spark. So what do we do while we wait. Well we usually tell a story while we wait for dinner to be served or when where eating dinner. Abby said walking out of a bush. But as a new member we would love to hear about you! Me? A new member? Of what? Stone asked. Well we're kind of a group. But I'm mostly the leader. Buster said nodding his head. Ya. Well I guess. They finished getting the dinner ready( which was of course was 🍇🍒🍓🍑🍌🍉🍎🍏🍊🍐🍋🍍🥝🍈🍚 fruit berries rice I guess idk and water) thank for reading this horrible story bye

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