The Queen and the Wizard

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Hey, Guys!!! I wrote this as a project for school, but I thought that i'd post it on wattpad. It's a children's book, so don't judge!!! Well anyways, I hope you like it!!! ENJOY!!!!


There once was a princess who was soon going to be crowned Queen. Everyone thought that she was the fairest of them all. When she was finally queen, she decided to start making some rules. So she called a meeting and started her speech.

“Hello, everyone!” She started. Everyone cheered because she was the favorite Queen of all the land. “I have called this meeting to set some rules. First, peasants are only allowed out until five.” Everyone inwardly groaned because of how unfair they thought that law was. She continued, “The last rule I have is that commoners must give extra tax to me, the queen.” The meeting was soon adjourned, and everyone went home still upset from the meeting eith their queen.

After that though, the Queen kept making more rules for peasants. They were starting to get even more unfair, but no one questioned them because they honored her too much. Soon, a wizard decided to visit the kingdom. He was very wise, and he decided to visit the Queen. He had heard about the unfair rules, and he wanted to talk to the queen about them.

“My Queen,” He started. “I really think that you should rethink your rules. Many of them are unfair, and no one knows why you are slowly taking away commoners' rights,” He said. “I will not take advice from you. I am the Queen, and I can make whatever rules that I want. I just don’t like peasants,” the Queen said.

That moment, the Wizard realized how coldhearted and unkind the Queen was. So, he turned her into a frog. “ If you don’t change your rules, there will be very angry people. I will only change you back if you promise to be fair and do the right thing. Just because 'commoners' are different than you, and you think that they don’t matter as much as you do, doesn’t mean it’s true. I know that you are better than that, so please just do the right thing,” the Wizard said.

After he said that, something in the Queen’s heart told her to do the right thing. So, she nodded her little froggy head and he changed her back. “I’m sorry that I’ve been so cruel to the kind people of my kingdom. I will change back the rules immediately,” the queen said.

And she had told the truth. After that she changed the rules back, and apologized to her people. After her experience that she will never forget, she knew that stereotyping and discriminating against people who are different than you is wrong. She and the whole kingdom lived happily ever after.              THE END 

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