ⓟart 2: R.I.P. Blue Celtic Shirt

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AnnaLynne McCord as Sherry Olsen
Previously on Nerd Threats The Bad Boy...

Sherry's POV:

"One of my friends saw him and Ethan Blake talking and get this, I think that Ethan was giving Cameron drugs.,"

Ethan Blake's POV:

He wants to play dirty, then I'll play dirty with him too.... if you know what I mean.

Cameron's POV:

"Ran into you-know-who and it sparked up a feeling. And I'll always regret it. She has no reason to hate me. In fact, I hate myself."

Cameron's POV:

After I woke up the next morning, I did the usual routine. Shower, brush my teeth, put on the most amazing clothes because I think that today will be good day.

I picked out my dark blue jeans, a blue shirt that has the design of a Celtic symbol, and my black converse.

I went down the stairs to get an apple from the fruit basket and my mom was in the kitchen also.

After I said my farewell, I went outside and started walking. While I was eating my apple, I hear thunder.

I looked up and grey clouds started rolling in.

"Are you kidding me!!" I shouted.

I started running to the front gate and I got some rain on me.

Yeah. It's going good so far. Insert sarcasm.

As I was going to my locker, I see the four most popular girls there at my locker. There was the slutty Bea, wannabe Sherry, brainless Eva Maxwell, and rich spoiled Courtney Meyers.

As I approached, I said," Can you move please because I don't want to catch STDs at my locker?" Add a little flair on the word STDs.

The slut said," Look at this. Nerd boy trying act tough. Let me just tell you who actually runs this school. Me. The most beautiful girl and here I am talking to the ugliest person I met in my entire life." With like that, she bumped my shoulders showing to never cross her path again.

"She forgot to add poor there." Courtney sneered at me and following Bea.

"Yeeeaahhhh," Eva agreeing with both because she's too dumb to come up a way to say something snarky to me.

"Just to let you know that your zipper is down" Sherry said.

And when I looked down, she spilled her morning coffee on me. I looked at her with tears in my eyes and she pouted at me and said sorry.

The bell rang and it looks like I'll be a little late to Spanish.
I went into the boys bathroom to change my shirt because it smells like coffee and cheap perfume.

I got an extra shirt from my locker just in case of emergencies.

I took off my shirt and put on this ugly grey long sleeved. After I was done putting it on, I looked in the mirror and screamed.

Laughing was no other than Ethan Blake. He was sitting on top of the stall door, smoking near the window.

"Okay that was so funny!!"

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