Chapter 3

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(Blake POV)

Leaving my parents alone in my fathers' office I began the walk to the medical wing, the girl must be in bad state to reduce my mother to tears. My mother had treated all types of injuries and has never been this distraught especially over a member she hasn't even spoke to before. My duties were to the pack and to my father, it wouldn't be long until I would be given the title of Alpha and would have to lead the pack on my own. Hopefully I would have a mate by the time I have to claim power within the pack. Of course if I had to I would take up the mantle of power by myself but I would prefer to have my Luna by my side.

Upon nearing the hospital wing I could hear the whimpers of an angel, my heart picked up its pace as I smelt this delicious scent that overwhelmed my senses. I inhaled deeply and growled deep within my chest. My eyes flickering amber and staying that colour as my wolf took charge, I simply just couldn't control myself as I was all but running to the girl lying desperately locked in her nightmares in the only occupied bed in the ward.

Upon first sight of her my wolf howled, she was the one I had been waiting for. I ran to her side as her eyes leaked tears and she shook from side to side screaming and kicking out. I gently climbed onto the bed to hold her so she couldn't inflict any damage upon herself. My heart broke as her whimpers tore at my heart and I let out a mournful howl in return. Her skin was so soft but so pale as she lay there. Her lashes fluttered open and she was panicking, I kept whispering to her to breathe as her eyes met mine and her body physically jerked in my grasp and she just lay still looking in my eyes and I stared back my amber eyes protectively looking into her pale blue orbs. She had beautiful white hair that cascaded in loose curls down her back, very long lashes that framed her pretty eyes and a very pale skin tone. I gathered her in my arms and she lay there never taking her eyes off me, my beautiful mate, as I softly purred for her alone.

(Arizona POV)

As I became lucid I noticed I was gently cradled in the arms of a very big, very muscular body. He was very warm to touch and soothed my aching muscles and he was gently purring. I made a move away from him to stretch and he growled lightly and pulled me closer to him nuzzling close to my neck as he resumed purring. I had yet to look at his face and I didn't even know his name, yet hear he was a stranger who was holding me so carefully and with so much love that I wanted to weep. My blood was racing in my veins and my heart was beating so hard I thought it was coming out of my chest. I cuddled into the warmer body trying to make myself as small as possible seeking comfort from the person watching over me. I turned around in his arms and gasped as my eyes met his amber meeting pale blue. He was beautiful, high cheekbones with a sharp jaw, he was clean shaven as well with a golden skin complexion pouty lips and gorgeous raven locks of hair that framed his masculine face.

He smiled a wide smile showing glowing white teeth that looked very sharp and sparkled. I was in awe of his beauty and gently reached a hand out to stroke his face. His eyes widened and thinking I'd overstepped the boundaries I whimpered and began to pull my hand back. He let out a soft growl and carefully grasped my delicate hand in his larger calloused hand. He placed it on his cheek and continued to purr deep from within his chest. I blushed hard and my face lit up and became heated. His skin was so soft and his eyes closed as he leaned into my hand. Then someone entered the hospital wing I froze like a deer in headlights I burrowed deeper into him for protection. He jumped straight into action like a predator letting out a ferocious growl that scared me a little, I whined and he placed a gentle kiss on my temple and placed his body in front of mine protecting me from whoever entered and disturbed our peaceful bliss. The growls emanating from his chest were like that of a wolf protecting something very precious to him. He was possessive and protective both at the same time and I loved it. He made me feel safe and loved and wanted and I craved more of him. These unknown feelings scared me to death as I didn't know where they were coming from but he seemed to know more than me.

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