Our secret

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Here we are today to read the next chapter.... okay hope ya enjoy!

Chase's POV

I could hear April talking to someone then she started sobing. I walked to the door then i heard the draws being opened, whats she doing? she cried harder thats when i opened the door and saw her holding scissors to her wrist i ran and threw the scissors out of her hands "HEY I NEED TO!" She yelled she wanted to cut her self! she tried to get back to the scissors but i pulled her back "I need to im worthless" How could she say such a thing, she was my everything right now how could she not see how amazing she really is.

I cant let her such a thing, i cant i need to show her today "Y-your not" i felt so weird to speak i stuttered a bit too. She stared at me with wide eyes "Y-y-y-you" 

"Y-your n-not worthless April" and i hugged her, she cried into my shoulder

"You talked to me, Chase you TALKED!" she cried harder. I rubbed her back.

"I-i did..... for you" She pulled away to look at me. I could hold it back anymore I need to kiss her but what if she doesnt want to kiss me?

"Chase.... can I kiss you?" Did she just ask me?! she feels the same way! I smiled at her and she placed her lips on mine, she kissed me slowly then pulled away "D-does this mean you like me?" I smiled at her cutness "Yes of course!" she smiled brightly "Lets get to bed, yeah?" she nodded "A-april if you dont mind... c-can you keep this, me talking, j0just our s-secret?" she nodded

"Yeah of course" and she fell asleep next to me.

Percy's POV (I know his not very main at the moment just wait a few chapters!)

Somebody left with April. "F*ck stupid shit face" Hunter mumbled I started walking back home ignoring everything. I walked in and my mum was standing there greatttt "Percy James Martin! where on earth have you been!?" Ahh i hate when she uses my full name.

"Uhmm well i was with Hunter" I pointed at one finger (Don't forget his drunk) "Then we drank a bit OH OH then he got punched by some dude because he hit April" Shit what did i just say?

"YOUR DRUNK?! Go to you room.... NOW!" I ran to my room and jumped onto my bed and then i started laughing "Hmm Aprilll" I mumbled to myself.


"Percy wake up!" I rubbed my head time for school YAY not


I walked into school and saw April at her locker. Then Chase walked up to her.... and kissed her cheek and she giggle. I have no idea why but it made my blood boil, when Chase left I walked up to her. When she looked at me she took a step back, as if she was scared.... she was scared of me. 

"April,so when can we meet up for the project?" She looked at me shocked?

"I-is that how your going to act?!" I tilted my head to the side "Percy, you and Hunter stay away from me" She started to walk off but i grabbed her wrist pulled her back and she yelped "Please dont hurt me j-just I'm sorry just don't touch me" I was confused why is she acting this way?

"What are you talking about why would i hurt you?" she looked at am angry now

"You sicken me! you and Hunter come up to me drunk at night and then get hit by HUNTER! Leave me the HELL alone" and she slapped me and she ran off. All the memories came back on what happened last night. I'm such an idiot!

I went to my first class thinking how am i going to apologize?


I was sitting at the lunch table laughing with the guys then i saw April and Chase sit with that girl that rejected me and Blake.

April's POV

We sat at the table and i saw Percy was looking at me which made me shift in my seat awkwardly. "So.... have you two been in bed yet?" I wiggled my eyes brows towards Jasmine and Blake while they both blushed "W-we're not a couple" Jasmine stuttered and Blakes eyes went wide

"Were not?? but i had a dat--..... I mean, we're friends" Blake said 

"Sure, friends with benefits" i said then me and Chase started laughing hysterically. I wiped away the tear caused by all my laughter "No but seriously guys i know you two are dating" Jasmine looked up at me and smiled "AWWW you two are soooo cute" Blake chuckled. 


"See ya guys later" I waved at Blake and Jasmine. I sat in Chase's car and he drove to his house. He wasn't talking i don't know if he will. Then my phone started ringing 


"Argg April where in the WORLD are you?!" It was my mum

"Oh mother I'm in Australia duhh" she sighed in annoyance

"Just would you come home?" 



"You heard me Olivia your worthless daughter isn't coming home to you" I heard her take a shaky breath

"Honey, i am so sorry about that i didn't mean it at all--"

"MUM just i don't want to hear it..... bye"

"No ho--" And i hung up. I don't know what I'm meant to do....

"Are you okay?" I looked up at Chase and smiled slightly

"Yeah I'm fine, sayy can we watch a movie when we get to your place" I asked and he nodded


I sat next to Chase on the couch. We are watching a movie called Hachi, its about a dog and a guy finds him and the owner goes to work by train so Hachi, the dog, waits at the train station for him everyday. But one day his owner has a heart attack and passes away but Hachi still waited for him to come back, until he passed away too. 

By the end i was crying, what can i say it was sad and i love dogs. "Im scared of death" I said and Chase looked down at me "Why?" lemons..... my lemon tree uh i dont want to think about it

"I don't like it when people i care for die its sad and hurts so much" He looked really sad then. "Are you okay?" His eyes began to water. "Chase?" 

"My dad... and brother both died in a car accident.... i was there too. I was the only one to survive its not fair the guy that crashed into us survived too everyone at my old school gave me pity but i didn't like it" he has never opened up to me like this before. he took a breath in and continued "Me and my mum moved here and everyone at this school just thought i was the mute kid that has never spoken before, but i have.... i did but after that i didn't want to talk, Until i met you" He looked down and smiled

Chase's POV

I told her my story and it felt good, but i still feel bad she is scared of death..... what will happen if she finds out about me?


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