Please be nice as this is my first poem ever thank you
No one knows :
I sit here in the dark
And as i do thoughts of you begin to spark
Every Memory of you that fills my head
rips my heart to shreds
Tears come to my eyes
We never got to say our goodbyes
Nor one last hug
My heart gives a sad tug
No one knows
How my sadness froze
No one knows
My big woes
Now you are an angel with an halo and wings
These thoughts make my heart have many pings
I wish you were here
There would be a lot of cheer
But then you would be in great pain
Which can be explained
Cancer is a deadly thing
That can be happening
To anyone at any given time
And beating it is a big climb
So now I say my goodbyes
And close my eyes
In loving memory of my Grandmama who passed away last year may she