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It was a winter morning at Scarlet Rose Ridge and Alex was walking outside by the stables. His breath misted in the cold. He pulled his hoodie over his head and rubbed his chilled hands together. He walked into the first barn marked 2 year olds. He saw his co-worker Jamie cleaning out a stall at the end of the aisle.

"Hello Jamie" he called" Nice and cold this morning isn't it"

"Sure is" Jamie replied in return

Alex headed toward the third stall. This stall was his favourite as it housed his own hirse called Painful Remedy. Remedy for short. Scarlet Rose Ridge was a breeding,training , and racing stable. Remedy was the most promising 2 year old with spectacular times in his workouts.

"Good morning boy"Alex said to Remexy as he scratched the colts head. Remedy bobed his head in return. Alex had only been working at Scarlet Rose Ridge for 6 months and had found it easy to fit in. All the people were lovely. He hadn't had anything to do with horses until he came here and met Remedy.  Now he was in love with them.

"I'll take you for a run on the track now aye"Alex said while brushing Remedy.

He quicky fetched his tack from the tack room and saddled Remedy. He brough him out of his stall and mounted. As they walked down the aisle Alex could hear the soft pants of the horses breathes as they began their morning workouts. Alex patted Remedy neck and coaxed him foward toward the oval. Just before the oval he stopped him and waited for Scarlet. Scarlet was the head trainer and owner of Scarlet Rose Ridge. She was in her late forties with soft brunette hair and dark brown eyes. She always had her hair in a long braid.

"Okay just a short jog around the oval not to much or we will waste him for race day tomorrow" Scarlet  advised.

He remembered that tommorow was Remedys first race and it would be his chance to prove what hes got.

Alex kicked Remedy forward into a trot and relaxed. The trees all around were covered with a light frost. Alex breathed in the fresh air and signaled for a jog. Remedy immediately redponded bouncing foward into the slow rhythm. After a few laps Alex slowed Remedy to a walk and then dismounted.

"Very good, He looks sharp" smiled Scarlet "I hope he really digs in tomorrow"

"So do I" He nodded "He really feels ready"

Scarlets attention shifted to a big bay colt walking up beside us. The bays name was Shadow Chaser.  Scarlet also had high hopes for him. Alex patted Remedys soft black coat and walked to cool him off. He smiled at the colt. Remedy fidgeted a bit as he was still filled with energy. Alex put Remedy back in his stall and gave him his morning feed. Remedy wolfed it down in a hurry then nudged Alex almost asking for more.

"Sorry bud but, no more"

Alex gave Remedy one last pat and turned to go check his schedule.  He saw something odd on the list.

"Prepare  two stalls " he read outloud "For what?"

Alex got to work preparing the two stalls and by lunchtime was done. He wiped the sweat off his brow  and went to ask Scarlet about what was going on when he heard tires in the driveway.  Alex walked outside to see who was here and saw a truck with a trailer.A girl around 21 hoped out of the passenger side. She looked at me an walked over.

"Hi there is this Scarlet Rose Ridge?"

"You have the right place"

"Is Scarlet here?"

"She should be in the office, Ill take you their if you'd like"

"Why thank you, my names Carrie by the way"

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