The Race

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Alex got out of bed at 4 a.m. Today was a big day. It was Remedys first race and he was excited. He quickly got dressed and prepared himself with everything he would need for race day. He brought an old pair of clothes and some new clothes just in case he was needed in the Winners Circle. As he brushed his teeth Alex looked in the mirror. He wanted to look sharp but casual.

As he got together his things and hoped in the car. Scarlet Rose Ridge was only five minutes away which was convenient. Scarlet had entered Remedy into a 6 furlong Maiden race. None of the horses in the race had raced before so his competition was pretty equal. Alex remembered Cassie was coming today. He was glad somebody was coming to support Remedy apart from him and Scarlet.

As he drove into the tree lined driveway he saw Scarlets horse truck in the parking lot. The truck was quite large with 5 areas for horsesto travel in. Alex was glad it was comfortable.

Just as Alex got out of the car Scarlet came out of the yearling barn.

"Hey Alex" she waved" Hope your ready for today"

"I'll go get him ready now"

Alex walked into the training barn and noticed Remedy sticking his head out of his stall.

"Hello boy" Alex gave Remedys neck a hug.

Remedy nudged Alexs neck. Alex walked into the tack room and grabbed the box full of brushes. He had decided that he would give Remedy a small brush before he even loaded the colt even though he would have to brush him nearer to the race again. After he had brushed Remedy he got his travel gear ready to put on Remedy. Remedy looked very professional with all his travel gear on. Alex quickly loaded all Remedys racing gear.

When everything was ready to go Alex went to the oval to watch the final workouts. A filly called Cracking Icicles. She was a pretty filly but would probably only make it to the allowance races.

"We are all ready to go" Alex told Scarlet "We just have to get Remedy loaded and then we are away"

"All right I will just get this workout finished and then we can go"

Alex brought Remedy out of his stall and walked him towards the trailer. Scarlet helped Alex get Remedy onto the trailer. Jamie also brought out another 3 year old colt that would be racing today as well.

On the way to the racetrack Alex thought about how the race  plan would be for today. They were going to meet Remedys jockey there.

They finally arrived at the racetrack and unloaded Remedy. He pranced at the end of his lead with excitement. The track was buzzing with activity even befor the days events had began.

"We will just take him for a small trot around the track to keep his muscle busy and to get him used to the track a little bit." Scarlet told Alex

As soon as they found their stable block they led the two horses into their stalls and tacked up Remedy.

"Hey Alex" Alex turned around to see Cassie waving to him

"Hey Cassie" He returned with a smile" Your at the racetrack early"

"I'm used to it don"t worry"

"We are just going to take Remedy out for a little trot if you want to watch"


Alex walked Remedy out towards the big pack. Lots of trainers were waiting at the sidelines watching the horse doing their workouts on the track. Alex mounted and urged Remedy onto the track. The colt was high stepping and prancing about with excitment. He could sense that something was up. Alex quickly urged Remedy into a trot. The colt was very willing to do as he was asked. The lap did not take long at all and soon they were off the track and back into the stall. Alex gave Remedy his food and then Cassie helped him brush Remedy.

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