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I cradled Carrie to my arms, rocking back and forth. Her tiny breaths were the only thing I could hear in the room. She was such an angel, always so peaceful.

Carrie, since yesterday, has officially been alive for one whole month. One whole month ago I gave birth to this beautiful creature that I call my daughter.

She looked so much like me, her features are almost identical to mine when I was a baby. I think back to my baby photos and Carrie is a spitting image. The only thing that bothers me with that is that there isn't a clear indicator of who her dad is.

I want her to have a father in her life. My father died when I was young and I have no memory of him. I just want Carrie's life to be perfect.

Ricky has been acting really strange this last month. He rarely sees Carrie or me and when he does, he just stares at her and me. He just stands and stares for a few seconds and then leaves. He never wants to cuddle her, see her or look after her with me.

Sure I hate him for what he has done to me and all but he could potentially be her father. I'd prefer he was the father, rather Ghost. At this stage though, I'd rather none of them were her father since none of them act like it.

I sigh and put Carrie away in her cradle, my arms going dead from holding her for so long. She was a small baby but holding dead weight on weak arms do take a toll on you.

She was fast asleep, chest rising and falling with each breath she took. I smile in awe at her, so proud and happy that I created this perfect little human.

A light knock was at the door, distracting me from taking in my daughters beauty. I look to see Ryan and Vinny walk in quietly with some food. I smile at them as I watch them walk over to where I am sitting, handing me the food.

"She's so little" Vinny whispers. His eyes are in a trance, watching Carrie sleep. Ryan was sitting by my side also staring at Carrie with a slight smile on his face. The two of them have been in love with her since they first met her.

"You guys watch her so intently. I'm beginning to think you love her more than me" I say with a chuckle. The two men also laugh quietly, trying not to disturb my princess.

Seconds pass of us sitting in silence, respecting the fact that Carrie is sleeping. The silent room is calming but like most things that provide me comfort, they only last so long.

Outside of these walls I could hear a door slam and someone yelling. My body tenses and I grip the bed sheets tightly, uncomfortable by the sound of struggle and shouting.

Carrie stirs in her sleep with a frown on her face. Her once peaceful environment has been disrupted causing her to wake.

"Watch Carrie please" I say and stand up. I have just about had enough of Ricky at this point and his constant ignorance towards my daughter. What happen to the Ricky when I was pregnant? The Ricky who was genuine about his excitement for Carrie? I don't care who he is, but if he thinks he is Carrie's father he should act like it.

I leave the room, locking it behind me, and march to where I can hear the struggle the most. I look down the hall and see the basement door slam shut. I'm in a stand still, staring at the door as memories flood back to me of when I first arrived. I thought back to when I was stuck down there and my eyes began to sting.

I take in a shaky breath before continuing my mission to find where Ricky seems to be. I march towards the door and open it forcefully, immediately being greeted by the sound of a mans terrified screams. My stomach felt sick as the stench of blood and mould hit my nose. I screw up my face but continue my walk down to where the struggle was coming from.

In the dimly lit room I see a man tied to the ceiling and Ricky slowly tear at the mans skin. The man was screaming so loud that Ricky didn't even noticed I had entered the room. He just continued to tear off the mans skin and some of his flesh.

I had a blank stare as I watched the horrific scene in front of me. I couldn't move and breathing began to feel too difficult. My muscles were tense and I was shaking from fear.

The man's screams eventually quietened down to where you could only hear him crying softly. His small cries only lasted for a few small moments before he hung from the ceiling lifeless. His body slightly swung as blood poured from his body onto the cemented floor.

Ricky's knife dropped to the ground, slicing through the deathly silence. His heavy breathing softened and he turned around to face me, blood staining his face. Reality came back to me and I felt my stomach drop as what just happened sunk in.

"Y-you monster" I whispered into the silence. Ricky's face stayed stone-cold deadly as he just stared at me. His mouth was twitching and so was his hands, he barely blinked.

"I'm not a monster" he said with a crooked smirk. He stalked towards me slowly and carefully, staring into my eyes. He reached out and grabbed me, pulling me closer to him to where his face was only inches from mine.

Ricky threw me to the ground and began screaming at me. He hovered over me, throwing punch after punch at me like I was a punching bag. He picked me up by my shoulders and slammed me back down into the cement floor. One of my shoulders cracked and I screamed bloody murder. My throat began to burn.

"I'm sick of you! I'm sick of you thinking you can control me! Get out of my life! I can't fucking stand to see your face! I fucking hate you! I never want to see you again! Stop controlling me! I'm not your fucking puppet!" Ricky screamed before finally grabbing me by my hair and pulling me up. He grabbed his knife from the ground and stared into my eyes.

"Fuck you. You have no control over me."

These were the last words I heard before Ricky ran the knife across my throat. I closed my eyes and welcomed the cold touch of death, only thinking about my baby girl.

I love you Carrie, I always will.


look....I'm not dead....

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