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January 10, 2017


Dear no one,

There's nothing special today.

Just me, myself and I...

Just kidding, I mean nothing really happened, its just that jungkook..

I saw him look at me several times but I'm not sure. I think he wants to talk to me about something.

Omg, I can't. Today is so...nothing
So boring I don't why, maybe I'm used in doing something. What should I do?

Read a book? Study? Music?

I think I'm just going to lay down and sleep, I should be thankful that I have nothing to do today



January 10,2017


Dear no one

The sky is so gloomy today, I think its going to rain. I didn't bring my umbrella. Just wish that it will not cry today.

Nothing special happened today, its very unusual, I don't know why. Its really boring, is it just because of the weather or its just me?

Lessons were suspended but they didn't send us home so all of us have nothing to do, some slept, some ate and some just walked around.

I was looking at y/n and wanted to approach her because I have no one talk to. My friends are all sleeping and then there's me. Just sitting doing nothing.

Should I go and talk to her?


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