Sleep Talker

628 34 14

TheAmazingShrinkingMan: this is random but who talks in their sleep?

Jax_Can_Burn: what?

TheAmazingShrinkingMan: who talks in their sleep?

Most*Epic*Assasin: I do, and sometimes scream...

TheAmazingShrinkingMan: okay then... anyone else

@robberofATMs: I don't

Fry_U_Piggies_🐷: you do

@robberofATMs: how do you know?

Fry_U_Piggies_🐷: cause I can hear you

@robberofATMs: what do I say?

Fry_U_Piggies_🐷: you rly want to know?

@robberofATMs: yeah

Birdy: tell us!

Fry_U_Piggies_🐷: okay then... "sara"

@robberofATMs: ...

TheAmazingShrinkingMan: I can hear it too!!!

(Most*Epic*Assasin and @robberofATMs left the conversation)

TheAmazingCaptain: they really need to figure their relationship out...

This one is for ZombieLegends101

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