Truth be Told

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Hey guys! This is my first story ever and I really hope ya enjoy it! I know the first chapter is smallish but I'll make sure the second chapter is much, much oh so dearly longer. x]

Oh, and I'd like to thank every author in my library for inspiring me to write my own story. Thanks! ^.^


Avery! Avery Brooks! I command you to wake this instant!" I hear a voice ringing through my ears.

I open my eyes slowly, only to find a classroom of people staring at me. No, not just staring; laughing too. I jerk back and wonder where I am. Oh yeah, hell.

"Principals office. Now" Mr. Sruggz commands.

I stand up and sling my backpack over my shoulder without hesitating.

"Better than being in here" I say over my shoulder as I walk out the door and head for the office.

Why does he always send me to the principals office? Shouldn't he know by now that this is my time to sleep? Some people can be so rude. Speaking of some poeple, where the hell is Tristan? I haven't seen him in three days.  He better not have been skipping without me.

I notice the familiar door and notice I'm already outside the office. I can shift to auto pilot when I go to the principals office? Cool!

I knock at the door but don't even bother to wait for a response when I walk in. Mr. Mayroun sighs once he sees it's me.

"Avery" he says annoyed, "again? Sleeping I'm guessing?".

I nod and sit myself down at the uncomfortable chairs. Or is it because I've already sat in it so many times I've worn it out? The world may never know.

"Avery, why do you keep doing this?" he asks desperatly. Without a response he lets out a big sigh and runs his fingers through his gray hair."If I give you detention or community service again, all you're going to do is lay off for a week and then you're right back where we started".

I knew he was right, but what was he thinking? Was he planning to send me to the Juvi? OH HELL NO! It's not a crime to get some beauty sleep! Geez.

"I think that maybe you could do something new and begi-" he says but gets cut off by the secretary who walks right in without even knocking. And he says I got no matters? Psh.

"Mr. Mayroun, there are some parents who need to speak to you about Jason" she says not even caring that she's interrupting. Mr. Mayroun thinks for a second before he sends me outside to wait for a while. "Alright, let them in. Avery, wait outside for a minute" he tells me, "and don't leave again!".

"Alright" I say as I head back towards the door.

I almost bump into what seems to be Jason and his parents.

"Good luck" I whisper to him as I pass him.

I don't know the kid, or what he's done, but I had a feeling he needed someone to tell him that. He was Jason Reyes. I knew him from Gym. He was all emo style. Black straight bangs, skinny jeans and black T with a white long sleever shirt underneath. He wasn't bad looking.

I walk down the hall towards my locker. It's last period and I'm pretty sure I'm not getting sent back to class. Might as well get ready. I twist my lock to my combination and and take out my backpack.  I curse under my breath as all my lose papers spill out. I bend down to pick them up when I notice something shiny in a small gape at the bottom of my locker. I finish putting my papers away until I take it out and see what it is.

It's a freaking rose necklace. Detailed with red and green gems for the rose. "Woah" I say to myself. Without thinking, I shove it into my back pocket and close my locker. I should head back before Mr. Mayroun notices I'm gone.

As soon as I sit down on the bench besides the door; it opens.

 "I'm sure we will, no worries" I hear Mr. Mayroun say just before the parents slam the door close. They say bye to Jason and head towards the exit. Jason sits besides me with a big sigh. I'm about to ask him if he was alright when Mr. Mayroun came out.

"Avery, I have just the thing for you to do!" Mr. Mayroun says quite excitedly. This kind of scares of me so I lean farther away from him. "You will help Mr. Reyes here with his school work".

I stare at Mr. Mayroun wide eyed. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? HAVE YOU SEEN MY GRADES?! Some principal you are. "B-But there's got to be a mistake," I say as I stand up, "have you seen my grades?" I ask while still in shock.

"Yes, I assure you I have. I see you have quite a taste in Art" he replies. Art? He's talking about art? Well then! This turned out better than I expected. But still...

"Why do you want me to tutor him in art?" I ask still confused. "No, no, no" Mr. Mayroun says with a shake of his head, "I don't want you to teach, I want you to help him". This doesn't make anything clearer.

"Are you agreeing to the fact that teaching isn't actually help?" I ask him. Jason laughs but stops himself when Mr. Mayoun glares at him.

"No, you're going to be his partner for the last six weeks in Art class" he says.

"What? Why!?" I ask in disbelief. Mrs. Brace is my favorite teacher in the whole school! I don't want to give that up for a new hateful teacher! It's not just the teacher I'm afraid to lose, it's also my two best friends. It's the only class where the three of us are actually together in. Oh hell to the no am I going to let some old prinicipal ruin that for me!

"You see, Jason's original partner, Abel, moved away this weekend. Since they were partners for the major final this six weeks, he really does need his partner now more than ever" he  answers.

"Why doesn't he just get someone else from his class?" I ask. "Because everyone else already has a partner and there can only be two people in a group" he replies.

No, no way am I going to drop everything and help a kid I don't even know well! Nuh-uh not happening. "Nope, sorry" I say crossing my arms. There's no way he's going to change my plans. Not a chance.

"I'm afraid that if you don't, you could get expelled". I stare at him in shock. Fuck. "Your choice" he says evily. I knew it! I knew he was saving up the expelled discipline for later. I just knew it! He was going to use it the right moment and BAM, that moment is now.

I stay motionless and hesistate when I answer, "Fine". I say while I glare at him.

"Good, now from now on you will be going to 212 for Art class" he orders. The bell rings. "Good day" he says before he walks back into his office.

I stand there as students start rushing out of there classrooms eager to get home. I still can't beleive what just happened. The old dude finally won a battle. A good one too.

Hell just gets worse by the minute.

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