Nothing Else Matters - Sasuke One-shot (M Rated)

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  • Dedicated to CurlyRedHead

“No! No! No!” screamed the shriveled up voice of an old woman, slapping the floorboards with her wooden stick.

“Your footwork is completely wrong, your too wooden in the legs girl,” She hissed, her face was saggy and wrinkled caused by deterioration over the passing years, she wore a brown kimono that neatly fell just above her feet. The older woman quickly scurried towards me with her cane, her eyes narrowed on my figure. I wore a kimono that had trimmings of gold that contrasted beautifully with the red colour of the fabric. It complimented my exotic skin and had looked very extravagant, just wearing it made me feel uneasy though the inner girl squealed with enthusiasm.

“Is it really necessary to be learning this?” I questioned awkwardly, gazing down at my kimono.

“Of course! You are going to be part of the Uchiha clan, you need learn how to act like a respectable wife!” she hissed, hitting my chin with her stick and adjusted the angle of my head, attempting to improve my posture.

“Now follow my lead,” She instructed guiding me with the stick. Her beady eyes constantly watched my feet and whenever my feet didn't meet her standards she would whip them. Which I swear to god she does for the sheer pleasure, sadistic old hag.

“Ow!” I yelped, once again feeling a stinging pain and the sound of her wicked cane cracking its anger against my feet.

“Try again!” She yowled, I grumbled angrily under my breath, this time arousing more of my confidence. Taking step by step, head held high, from the corners of my eyes I saw how the old woman became delighted at the sudden progress. Distracted by mere thoughts of succeeding, I hadn't noticed my foot caught in the tails of my gown and when I had, my heart stopped for that very moment as if time had suddenly felt slow. That was until reality hit me hard...Well, not as hard when I landed on the wooden floorboards. I heard an audible sigh part from my wrinkled mentors lips before using the stick to escort herself out of the room. But when she reached the door, the words she spoke were cruel and harsh.

An outsider joining the Uchiha clan, how preposterous! Sasuke-Sama should of selected one of my girls instead,”

I laid on the floor. The energy to move was wasted all on trying to at least impress that witch. Feeling void and cold, I had managed to sit up. I tightly wrapped my arms around me, my hands clutching and ripping the expensive material from my arms. I didn't care about where it was made, who made it and how much it cost. I just stood up afterwards and walked out of the room to set off in one direction of the long corridors. I stopped outside the room I had currently been sharing with my future husband, Sasuke. I took one deep breath, wiping away any unnecessary tears that had been shed. My bubbly nature had long been beaten and trampled on by that viscous harpy. I clasped the handle, opening the door only to see Sasuke silently asleep on the couch. He looked like a total wreck. Must have been a tough day. I quietly shuffled my way to the wardrobe, removing my partly ripped kimono and settled down in my pajamas. A stressful sigh past my lips as I approached the bed. “Varunee,” a deep yet soft voice beckoned to me. I peered past my shoulder to see Sasuke now sat up, his arm dangled over the couch whilst the other acted as a chin rest. His charcoal orbs gaze drawn me towards him.

“Did I wake you?” I asked, sending a somewhat apologetic look. However, his face remained unemotional, well, until a small rare smile appeared on his features. “No, not at all,” he replied, even though his words were simple and short, they were warm.

“How did practice go with Queenie?”

Not bad,”

“Not bad?”

“Yeah, just...Not bad,” I answered, almost uncertain since his response felt rather awkward. I looked away since his cold eyes attempted to search mine for the appropriate answer.

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