Stupid brat...

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(Hey this is my first whattpad story and well just a warning there will be yaoi in some parts of this story :) anyways please tell me if I did alright oh also I wasn't sure about the amv at first but I was like "eh why not" soooo.... let's get started k)


I wake up slowly, while groaning since my alarm clock won't shut up "shut up you dam alarm, I'm up for fuck sake" I smash my hand on the alarm clock a couple times making it finally shut up. A couple minutes went by and I was fully awake, I then got into my uniform and grabs everything I need for today....

------x time skip to when I'm at HQ x------

I walked into HQ and Walked into my office seeing the amount of paper work I've got to do... "tch might as well give me all the paper work why don't you Erwin " I say that in my head and let's out a sigh. I decided to get a cup of tea first though so I went to the kitchen to make my self a cup of tea.... til

"LEVI!!!!" A girl voice shouts across the room... surprise, surprise it Hanji what on earth could she want now?!

I turn around to face Hanji to see that she was smiling happily "wipe that smile off four eyes" I sigh "what is it that you want now?"

Hanji frowned looking at me "don't need to be so grumpy Levi! But anyways I'll be do more tests on Eren so I'm taking over in the dungeon since there is no one there but don't worry I'll tidy up"

I nodded "that's fine by me but, don't mind me asking when are you going to do the tests on the brat?" I asked wanting to know

Hanji looked surprised at me that I asked that "umm...around 3pm ish I think I'm letting him do what he wants for a while.... anyways I best be off byyeee" she walks off

--------x 1 hour goes by x--------

I'm back in my office and I just about finish doing the paper work "didn't take that long I guess" I thought to my self until I heard a knock on my door. I looked up and asked "state your name and your business"

A soft nervous voice replied "it's Eren Yeager and I need to talk to you... m-may I come in?" It was Eren... I knew that voice almost instantly but what could he want

"Yes, come in brat" I stay in a stern way. Eren enters and he looks kinda nervous but.. there was something he needed to say to me but he just couldn't for some reason. "Eren eyes was so beautiful I could actually get lost in them" I thought to myself but then I realised I was staring at him

"H-Heichou? I need to talk to you" he suddenly looked down with a slight blush and I don't know why but I stood up and walked over to him

"What is it then?" I said in a stern voice while looking at him in the eyes but I couldn't see them much since his face was drooping down

~~ Eren's POV ~~

I heard his voice sternly saying "what is it then?" But I couldn't help but blush for some reason... what if he hurts me, what if he kicks me out.. or even... k-kill me...

(Heya it's me anyways this is it for this part of the story, there will be other parts don't worry!! Oh and sorry for kinda leaving you on a cliff hanger XD)

Don't forget to vote, like and add it to your reading list the other part will be out in another couple days!! Til then cya!!

Is this love or not? (LEVI X EREN/ ERERI)Where stories live. Discover now