The Howling Of The Moon

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                                                          The Howling Of The Moon

                                                                       Chapter 1

'Do i have to go?' whined Sintara while pawing at the ground.

'Yes you do its for the survival of the pack, 'Do you want to have to and eat berries and leaves again?' Star , her mother replied.

Sintara sighed 'No i don't....'.

'Well then come on get up and follow me to the woods, to do some hunting' Star said enthusiastically.

With one last sigh Sintara pushed herself up and padded over to the opining of the woods awaiting her mother. As they both pushed on into the woods her father, Kodiak lifted one eye open but fell straight back to sleep.

Sintara hated hunting she always complained that she never could smell any prey and even if she had found, she could never catch. Her mother on the other hand was great at hunting she would always bring back plenty of prey to feed the pack and her family.

'Look' whispered Star.

A grey rabbit had just gotten out of its rabbit hole and was prancing around.

'Let me get this one mother' Sintara pleaded.

'Well...ok but remember the steps' Star whispered

'Yeah yeah whatever' Sintara whispered.

As Sintara approached the prey she stalked it very quietly so that i didn't hear a thing. Sintara's heart was beating at a fast pace as she had never gotten this close to prey before, Her legs were tingling and her back legs were ready to pounce. As she was just a few paw-steps away from the rabbit she made her move, she pounced at the rabbit but unfortunately it turned around when she was in mid air and sprung away quickly leaving Sintara face first into the grass.


'Calm down Sintara, its ok you just were unlucky this time around' Star said calmly

She was really upset that she didn't get the rabbit.

'I will try and find it and maybe it will lead us to other prey' Star said confidently

'Ok' Sintara sighed

Star knew that Sintara was really disappointed and she knew she had to do something about it, she knew she needed to practise and learn the proper way.

'I will take her to the river tomorrow.' she thought

Star had followed the scent to a large patch of grass and all the scents were overwhelming her she could smell, rabbits, birds and even deer. She knew she would have to hide Sintara somewhere to keep her scent away from the prey.

'Sintara, can you hide under that leaf pile for me?' Star asked

'Uhm ok?' Sintara said confused

Sintara did as she was told and hid under the leaf pile while watching her mother sniff out all the scents to all the different prey. Star was being care full about what she was doing. At first she caught a decent size bird that had fallen out of a tree. Next she caught a small rabbit just enough to feed one member of the pack. Birds and rabbits was all she was getting and she wanted to step up her game a bit by searching for bigger prey. She could just get a whiff of the deer scent and she followed it twitching her nose every now and then. She had found another large patch of grass with one deer grazing on the grass. Star was pretty high up though but she really wanted that deer she knew she would have to climb down with care. She carefully looked where she would move her paw next as she quietly moved down and down. But suddenly the deer made a loud noise and it spooked Star. She lost her footing and tumbled down the hill scraping her limbs off of every sharp rock. She eventually hit the bottom, bleeding and yelping in pain. Her cry disturbed the deer and it sprinted off into the distance. She was now howling in pain screaming over and over again...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2014 ⏰

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