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Emma awoke and realised she had overslept, it was 11:30! She quickly jumped out of bed and threw on some clothes knowing she was late for work.

When she stepped out of the bedroom she saw roses scattered along the floor leading all the way to the door. She carefully tiptoed out in only her slippers and pyjamas. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. Suddenly she saw a bag with the most beautiful baby blue dress inside, a note tied to the fence that read:

Morning Swan,
Meet me at the docks at 6pm, I have a surprise for you.

When she arrived later that day, she saw Killian dressed in a suit holding a bunch of pink flowers, just like the one he gave her in Camelot.
"You look beautiful as ever Swan"
"You don't look so bad yourself captain. so, what's this huge surprise?"
"You'll see, come on..."
Emma followed him onto the Jolly Rodger to the top deck where he had set up a dinner of grilled cheese for the two of them. The view of the sunset on the sea was beautiful.
"Oh Killian, it's amazing!"
"I'm sorry I'm a terrible cook but I picked you up your favorite food from Granny's"
"I wouldn't have it any other way" she replied and kissed me on the cheek.
They took a seat and began eating.

"Emma, I brought you here because we have been through alot this year and I don't know how long this quiet moment is going to last"
She laughed at this.
"From darkness, to Hades, and all the other issues we have faced. I want to make sure I never lose you again. So...."
He bent down on one knee and she gasped and covered her mouth.
"Emma Swan.."
" Oh my god! Yes!"
"Let me finish Emma! Will you marry me?" He laughed.
"What do you think?" She said as she pulled him up to kiss him as he slid the ring onto her finger, it was a perfect fit.
At that moment fireworks exploded and all of their friends and family jumped up behind them "SURPRISE!!"
"I love you so much Killian Jones"
"I love you more Emma Jones"

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