Monsters are not real. Love only happens in stories, and the big girl never get the guy. What a mantra to stick to. That is until you walk down an alley way to witness a murderous monster in front of you. A very sexy murderous monster.
"Please. Please. PLEASE!!! WAKE. THE. FUCK UP!" Hari chanted to herself as she felt the presence of the monster still sitting near her. He wouldn't leave. No no no. He just sat there and watched the distress he caused. The bastard.
"Çikolata tanrıçam (Chocolate Goddess)", he chuckled. The sound came from so close to her head that it scared her.
"Argh", she screamed trying to fling the blankets from around herself, only now realizing that the childish idea of a motherfucking safety burrito wouldn't do a damn thing against a big ass motherfucker who was after her. She managed to escape her own "safety" trap. Jumping up she scrambled to the end of the bed and looked at the monster that brought her to his lair.
"Ok! What do you want with me? Huh? I want answers Monster!" She questioned him while she was armed with a pillow. He, on the other hand, was laying on his side with one knee bent and his head propped up on his fist. Luckily the bed was huge because even laying down he looked 6'7". An amused look was on his face as he watched her try to interrogate him and call him a monster.
"Simple Çikolata tanrıçam. I want you. Plus it doesn't help that you've seen things you should naught have seen." He winked at her. She looked at him confused. Her? Now why on God's green earth would he want her that just makes no sense? Ok, maybe monsters just didn't have common sense because you just don't go around kidnapping women like a nutjob. He was sexy, well beyond sexy with the body of a fallen god and that with clothing on. Lord help her if he ever took his pants off. Woah, she has got to get her head out of the gutter.
"You want me to take my pants off?" he was smirking?
"Shit I said that out loud?"
"Yes you did," He said pounced on her.
He gripped her around the waist with one arm and used the other to secure her wrist above her head. Hari started to struggle against his hold and tried to kick him off of her, but he just nestled himself in the cradle of her hips and got comfortable. He laid his head on her chest and just laid there. He didn't say anything, didn't move, nothing.
"Uhh Mr. Monster can you get off me. I mean I like cuddling just not with people I don't know and you're cute and all but I'm going to need you to get yo ass up off of me." She started to thrash around and scream toward the end of her sentence.
A chuckle. The bastard was laughing. He was causing her nonstop distress, discomfort and he was laughing. This man killed someone, was covered in blood, and kidnapped her. Holy fuck she forgot he killed someone!! That just freaked her out even more. Damn she needed to get out of here. So doing another one of her brilliant plans, she bit into his arm.
" Lanet olası kadın!! (Damn woman) " he yelled
A hot liquid filled her mouth and Hari felt herself get flung, bounce on the bed and land on the floor. She hit her head pretty hard. She felt dizzy as struggled to get up, she was feeling weaker by the second. As she looked up at the bed she looked up to the bed she saw glowing eyes staring at her and approaching. Her eyes fluttered shut as darkness consumed her.
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Hari looked around her to see she was surrounded by flowers and water. She felt so light and at peace in the serene space. She felt like she herself was a flower blooming from the very ground, one with the beautiful dainty organisms gathered here for their own elegant court.All thesounds blurred together to create a peaceful symphony. Looking around she felt like the queen of her people to lead them. She wanted to sing with them as well.
Her voice was sweet and melodic, ringing through the garden as the flowers and the trees swayed. Enchanted by her very being. Even the vast variety of fish in the water would leap from the surface just to glimpse her. Animals started to enter the clearing. Life showing respect to its Mother of Nature. Bending down she noticed one flower dying. The flower caught fire and smoke erupted into the air and circled around her. The Smoke tightened around her and it started to chuckle.
A monster emerged from the smoke and snared her. Trying to fight from its hold only made the monster tighten its hold.
"You are my Queen. You belong to me." Its deep voices rasped causing shivers to go down Hari's spine. She looking into the burning eyes of the monster right before he kissed her. The kiss was dark and smoldering like being too close to a fire on a freezing night while in a lovers embrace. He then placed his head in the crook of her neck and breathed in her scent.
He placed a gentle kiss to the curve of her neck right before he bit into her delicate flesh, as he tightened his hold on her. Her head fell back as a soundless scream left her mouth. Sightlessly staring up at the sky all she saw was embers and smoke as her garden caught fire.
Waking up from another strange dream in the past month Hari rubbed her head. She had a really bad headache. She could swear she was hearing this babbling noise as if she were in the room with people talking. Turning her head she tried to get more comfortable. Her pillow smelled really nice but it was hard as a rock. Groaning she tried getting up and the babbling noise quieted down. Popping one eye open she instantly regretted it because of the light stung like a bitch.
"Ugh. Son Of An Irish Blue ball Bitch" She rubbed her eyes and turned into her "pillow". A chuckle in the room caused her to feel suspicious. Then things fell into place. That her pillow was actually was a chest and she was in someone's lap being help in a room full of people.
Looking up at the person who she was currently using a chair she wasn't too pleased to find that it was her friendly neighborhood monster. Her face slowly formed a very sour frown looking at him and he had the nerve to tilt his head and look confused. A laugh sounded behind her and her head whipped around to find the source.
"Something funny?" She asked. None of them said anythings.
"Stop harassing my men" He growled. The sound caused her head to swivel back to the owner. Now she has never been a very confrontational person but this man was surely pissing her off in a short amount of time.
"One you don't get the right to tell me what to do. Two I don't even know your name. Three I don't give a fuck who you think you are you will not treat me like shit. Four." Hari got in his face and growled "Fuck. You."
"Misha-", one of the men started to say but then a loud smack was heard through the room. They all had this wide-eyed look and hightailed it out of the room.
After being bent over his desk and him spanking her in front his men he bent over kissed the spot behind her ear. Then he took the lobe between his teeth and bit down gently all while still rubbing her ass.