The Never Ending Flight

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I sat in the Delta airport waiting room, watching my surroundings carefully. As I chewed on my pencil eraser, I was trying to figure out how to sketch the people in the waiting area without looking like a creep.

Airports were one of my favorite places to sketch, as crazy as it sounds.

There were just so many emotions swirling around here, and I wanted to capture all of it.

I mean, how many reactions do you get to see anywhere else? Airports have it all; the tears, overwhelming joy, anger, etcetera.

Plus I just really loved people.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't just show up to draw people—I actually had somewhere to be. I was going to visit my sister in Iowa.

But naturally, my flight was delayed.

However, this gave me more time to sketch, and that in itself was something to be grateful for.

My sister—Piper—would also be pleased that I was drawing again. She always loved the things I could create, and it had been a while since I had created anything.

I focused my attention on my paper, admiring how it felt to be able to draw the curious brown eyes in front of me. As I switched focus to draw someone else, something caught my eye. A bright red umbrella, three seats away, laid open. Untouched.

How odd.

I looked out the window, and like I had initially thought, it was bright and sunny.

Carefully, I set my sketch book down and made my way over to it. There was a name written neatly on the corner that read Adam. Well, wherever Adam was, hopefully he didn't need this umbrella.

I sat back down, and decided to sketch it. It truly was a lovely shade of red. I laughed to myself, of course the most exciting part of my day would be an umbrella.

"That looks familiar," said a voice behind me.

I jumped slightly, startled, and turned around to meet the owner of the voice.

A boy with bright, neatly styled red hair and dark brown eyes stared back at me. I blinked severl times, trying to get a better look. His face was so oddly symetrical that I couldn't figure out if he was attractive or not. I decided finally that he was very attractive.

"It's a striking color, isn't it?" I agreed with him. I was always one to make conversation with anyone who came along.

"Sure is," he agreed with an easy-going smile.

"I hope whoever left it didn't go somewhere with rain. That would be awfully unfortunate," I remarked more to myself then to him.

"Heck yeah, who would leave that behind?"

I nodded in agreement.

The red headed boy motioned to the seat next to me. "Is this seat taken?"

"Oh, no, my bad," I began, collecting my sketchbook and pencils.

He smiled another easy-going smile, and I smiled, too. It was hard not to, he looked so happy.

"So, where are you going?" I asked. I didn't know why, but he seemed like someone who would be a travel junkie. I felt like I was witnessing a big adventure.

"Oklahoma, I-I've, well I've just always wanted to go," he said, the tips of his ears turning slightly pink.

I furrowed my eyebrows a little. "What's in Oklahoma?" I didn't want to seem nosey, but I probably wouldn't have chosen that place as the first stop in my big adventure.

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