karma is a bitch when im the judge.

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“There are times in life when you’re happy, sad and angry but there are also times when you feel loved and like you could rule the world and yet; you never can, nobody can truly rule the world; but you can rule your life. Its time that you forgot the past Sam and started to face the future, the future is you and me. There is no question about that and there never will be.”


Sam sat up straight the hairs on his arm standing on end as the dream began to disappear. Dream... Sam groaned and pushed his ginger hair out from in front of his eyes. It had all been a dream, or not a dream exactly but a memory. He stood up and grabbed his crumpled clothing that he had thrown on the night before. The night before; where his world had collapsed on top of his shoulders. Sam sighed as the water from the shower pounded against his back untying all of the knots that had tightened there. Whilst he let the water clean his skin Sam felt his mind wonder never though did he let his mind think about last night, the night his world had ended, Sam carried on struggling against himself as his mind continued to relay over the words that had been said, the words that had filled his heart whole only three years earlier. Sam subconsciously turned the shower off and collapsed on his bed again deciding that it would be better to try to sleep. ‘At least she doesn’t haunt me there’ as his eyes fell shut his mind began to replay the past.

2 days ago

Molly stood in front of Sam her face flushing bright red as the Yorkshire wind crashed against her cheeks, a sparkle lingering in her eyes, the eyes that had first made him fall for her so much, Sam laughed and picked up the bag that molly had dropped when she had seen the first snowflake of winter. The first snow flake of winter had always exited her and each time when it was winter Molly told him the same thing. “Winter is finally here Sam, do you know what that means, it means that snow will soon fall and then that will mean that...” Sam sighed and finished the sentence of for Molly “That if you see the first flake of winter then you can make a wish. I know that Molly you say the same thing every year.” I sighed as molly stuck her tongue out before she turned around to stick her tongue out at me. “look Molly as much as I love to argue with you we need to get going, its dangerous at night; if anybody knows that its you.” Molly stopped spinning her laughter dying from the ends of her lips. Sam instantly regretted what he had said but knew that it was best that he had said it ‘at least now we can head back home and hopefully we won’t be stopping again.’ Sam sighed and pushed his ginger hair out from in front of his eyes and ran to catch up with Molly who had just ran ahead her hands covering her ears so not to hear him apologize about bringing up the forbidden topic...

              ...Sam stared in shock at the door in front of him that had been left wide open; it wasn’t a smart idea especially if you lived on Henshaw. Sam dropped his and Molly’s bag and ran towards the open door as the feeling of dread began to slam into him, he ran straight past Molly who had frozen in place staring at a hand that was just visible from her position, Sam pushed Molly out of the way and charged into the living room, his mouth flopped open as he took in the scene around him; blood was every where. Sam did a quick scout around him before he went outside to tell Molly that there was no one here. Sam stood still as he stepped outside, Molly laid slumped on the floor her parents next to her, Sam forced himself to look toward each of there necks before repulsion made him turn away. There throats had been ripped out. Sam leaned down and grabbed the note that had been secured to the ground with a stake; he quickly read the note before re-reading it.


as Sam threw the letter onto the floor he turned to face the sky.m

"Even; we are not."


So you know what I have done, don’t you, but do you think that you could place a name to my writing, I certainly don’t think so, listen up bitches, you mess with me and there a high chance that I will mess with you, poor Sam thinks that I’m done with him, unknown bastard it has only just begun. I’ll see you soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2014 ⏰

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