Chapter 2 Last Year

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Last year during the Spring time I would go to the same laser tag warehouse with a bunch of my friends. We would have a good time. But one of my close friends were friends with a not ok group. They started to spread rumors around this very same guy that I happened to meet a year before. The rumor was, rhat he was a prostitue, although he wasn't old enough to be. So I was a curious girl then and I went to ask him if the rumor was true. I told him the rumor and he denied it. Something in his eyes told me that he wasn't lying. My friends came to me while I was talking to him in the arena and said out loud, right infront of him, "Ew! He's the prostitute! Get away!" They dragged me away. As they pulled me, I mouthed to him "I'm sorry." I felt so bad for him, because he looked as if he were only 15 years. But I'm not going to get into age. We went to the laser tag warehouse every other Saturday night from 6-11pm. It was a place to hang out with a bunch of our friends at once, so we took the offer. We had our girl friends there and also our guy friends. We played a bunch of games and I didn't see him much. But some of the games, he was there. He was a game marshal. He would "patrol" the arena to make sure that none of the rules got broke. Most of the time they didn't. Some of the times they did. But I vaugely remember talking to him. My best friend at the time, Emma, was with me. I knew that I had to convince her that he wasn't a prostitute as her other group of bad friends had said. It worked.

One of the times we went, it was one of our newly added friend, Nickita. He was moving in a week. We had to make sure that we were able to hang out with him at least once more. Even though it hadn't been 2 weeks since we last went, our parents allowed us to go since it would be close to one of the last times we would ever see him in person again.

So we went the following Saturday. I had a look of money on me and I was feeling pretty lucky. I won 3 things. A purple stuffed puppy, and flamed dolphin, and a colorful lizard. I obviously kept the puppy, but I offered the dolphin and lizard to Nickita. He said that he didn't need them. But I ensisted that he took one to remember me by. He chose the flaming dolphin of course. Emma asked to take the colorful lizard since I didn't want it. Those toys took almost all of my money away, but it didn't matter. Now this guy, he was there, but not every single game we played like he used to.

At different times in the Spring before our friend Nickita had to move, I would go on dates with my other best friend, who is currently my best friend still today, Caitlyn. I had this boyfriend a few weeks after my first real boyfriend named Joey broke up with me. I really did like this kid, but everytime I went to the laser tag warehouse, I would feel as much feelings for my boyfriend, then I did at other times. Now my botfriend then was known as kind of a player. But he was massively in love with me. We had awesome times at the warehouse. ~~~~to be continued~~~~

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