Are You Serious???

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Justin POV:Me and Y/N decided to go to the mall today.So we got dressed in(pic at the top).We got in the and drove to the mall.We got there and we went in couple store.We decided to go to the food court.As we were walking there,we saw Jessica and ugh Josh.
Jessica:Y/N(ran and jumped in your arms)OMG I haven't seen you in forever.Girl you look so beautiful
You:Thanks so do you
Justin was looking at you kinda weird.
Justin:You two are friends now
You:Oh yea we started talking and getting to know each other and we have a lot in common.
Jessica:And she's my bestie(hugging you)
You:Jessica me and Justin have something to tell you
We went and sat down at a table.
You:(looking down)Umm...when we had that moment that morning ummm.....
Justin:Babe are you OK
Jessica:Y/N you can tell me anything you know that right.
You:(crying)I can't talk about it
Justin:That morning Josh raped Y/N
Jessica:WHAT!?!?!JOSH IS IT TRUE!?!??!
Josh:No I would never touch her
Justin:Dude why would you lie to your girl like that.You know you touched my girlfriend
Josh:Bro no I didn't
Justin:Do you know how many nightmares she has had and how many times she has woken up screaming and panicking about what you did to her.She thinks one day when she wakes up I'm not gonna be there.(starts to cry)
Jessica:I'm gonna ask you one more time.Did you rape her???
Josh:Yea.ok.I did it.
Jessica:WE'RE OVER
Josh:It's fine because I have been cheating on you anyway.
Jessica:(crying)I FUCKING HATE YOU
Josh:Your shit gonna be in the yard when you get home.(walking away)
You:(hugging her)Babe I'm so sorry
Jessica cried into your shoulder.
Justin:You can stay with us until you get yourself together
Jessica:(hugging him)Thanks
Justin:Your welcome
Jessica:(whispers in your ear)Keep him.He's a keeper
You looked at Justin and smiled and Justin grabbed your hand and smiled.
You:I know
You both laughed

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