How could you?

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Disclaimer​: nope. Not mine

She couldn't believe it! Today was the day she finally got to go to the Burrow. She had missed her friends terribly and couldn't wait to get there. She had owled Mrs.Weasley yesterday and was told they would send someone to pick her up. No sooner was  that she walked out the door that she was ambushed by Harry, Ginny, George, and Fred.

"HERMIONE" Yelled Harry.
"Oh my god I missed you" said Ginny.

"Wocher Granger" said George and Fred at the same time.

"Hey guys! How was your summer? How are your parents? Harry, when did you ask Gin out?" She asked all these questions that Harry barley caught the last one. "We've just seen you 5 minutes ago. How did you know?" Ginny asked.
"Ginevra Weasley! If you think that I haven't noticed you holding Harry's hand or both of you blushing when you look at each other or even the happy tone in your letters then I am not the best friend I claim to be am I now?" "Fair enough 'mione" Ginny said. "And to answer your question, about 4 weeks ago." Harry said.
"HARRY POTTER! YOU HAVE BEEN DATING GINNY FOR A MONTH AND YOU SAY NOTHING!?!? Of course I am very happy for you two." She said. Ginny and Harry both sent her happy smiles.
"Speaking of dating, where's Ronald? I expected my boyfriend of all people would pick me up." She stated.

"He's at home with Mum finishing up dinner." George said.
"Meatloaf and 'not so mashed potatoes' just the way you like them." Said Fred.
Hermione excepted this and loaded up her trunk. When they reached the Burrow she snuck into the garden to surprise Ron. However, what she didn't expect was for her to be the surprised one. There was Ron in the garden, in their spot where he had first asked her out to be exact, passionately snogging non other than Lavender Brown. What she couldn't help but notice was that he was kissing Lav with such a passion. A passion he never showed her. At first she just stood there frozen in shock. The shock was soon replaced by a mix of anger and sadness.

"HOW COULD YOU!? RONALD WEASLEY GET YOUR ARSE OVER HERE RIGHT THIS MINUTE! HOW DARE YOU SNOG ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS ON OUR 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY RIGHT IN THE VERY SPOT YOU ASKED ME OUT!? WHAT HAVE YOU TO SAY FOR YOUR SELF?" She yelled. All the noise got both the love bird's attention. "'mione? You're back early. I thought there was still a good half an hour!"

All this noise got the attention of the rest of the Weasley gang. Who all seemed shocked at what was happening. They had little time to watch before Hermione ran out of the garden. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going, just that it was for from her not-so-loving boyfriend. She finally made it to a very busy part of Diagon Alley. She couldn't see where she was going through the tears that were stored up in her eyes. As she cleared out of the busy part of the alley, she ran into someone.
"Hey, watch were you're going." The man said.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" She cried turning to leave.
"Wait a minute," she heard the man say,"Granger?"


A/N I promised longer chapters and this one is almost double the length of the last. Also, how's that for drama?! Granted you probably guessed what Ron did based on the preview or whatever. Please comment.

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