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In conclusion, girls belong in robotics too. We can do anything, like building and driving, and be just as good at it as boys, if not even better.

 We can do anything, like building and driving, and be just as good at it as boys, if not even better

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Emma is fixing Allie after it fell apart

Discrimination against girls is ridiculous! Just because we're girls doesn't mean that we can't we can't be in robotics. We can participate in building a robot, or driving it. We don't only have to do documentation or STEM, we can do any job. Rhea is one of the best drivers on our team. Emma worked way harder on STEM than any of the boys. Now, we are working on designing a new robot for our team. Rhea and Emma came in over winter break to work on it. Only one out of the three boys came for one day, when both of the girls sacrificed part of their vacation to work on the robot. So, saying that we can't participate in robotics and being allowed to build a robot, drive the robot, and we should do STEM and documentation only is crazy! Nothing can stop us from joining robotics. Boys are telling us that we should just work on documentation and STEM just because we are girls and this is very ridiculous! Who we are should not be defined by our gender. We can do whatever we want to do, even if we are girls.

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