This boy

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He reached out to the two hands. The hands of his best friends and brothers, Genesis Rhapsodos and Angeal Hewley. They had a sad yet a happy look.
Sephiroth felt so happy that everything was finally over. No Hojo, no SOLDIER, nothing other than him and Genesis and Angeal.
He wondered how been a part of lifestream was like.

He touched their fingertips then horror creep on his face. He fell, fell farther and farther away, down in a black void. ‘Why?’ My child… A strong ancient magic from one of my sister’s children, is pulling you out of my reach. I’ll possible... loose contact unless you….. would like to…… accept my…. gift….. I can gi… you?
Sephiroth give a slight gasp. No he couldn’t loose contact to the only thing he have ever know to especially his brothers. They are after all still with Gaia within the lifestream.
“Please.” He whispered and felt sadness for not could join his brothers.
The green beautiful tendrils of lifestream wrapped around him and seep into his blood. I have given you the gift of being a, what they might call, a seer aka cetra, and removed most of Calamity’s cells. Goodbye my child may I be with you. Sephiroth could believe what he just heard. Him a half cetra? He damned his luck.
He was now falling in a white void for what definitely felt like eternity, like really long time before finally he, kind of like, landed and was knocked out. The final thing he saw was green and blue.

He groaned not remembering really what happened. A sharp pain hit his head as foreign memories force it’s way in his head. A big mansion. A boy ‘himself?’ sat at a table possible in a library and reading a boring book. Seeing a black and blond haired woman use a stick….. No a wand and demonstrated magic? The boy, himself, walked into a shop named olivander’s wand shop, he tried several wands before finding one he likes. A big long red train that he entered and set in search for a compartment. Two big goons or bodyguards? walking on each side of him as he open a cart, where as there was two boys, and a girl, and he taunted a black haired one. ‘What’s his name? Harry. Of course. The golden trio Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.’ He called the Granger girl for a mudblood. He offered his hand to Harry but it was slapped away.
What was that. It was so painful. ‘These couldn’t be his memories or was it? No it wasn’t don’t confuse yourself, they are not yours.’
“Mister Malfoy. I see you’re up.” A woman suddenly popped up beside him. If he didn’t feel like he just had been hit by a train, he definitely felt that now. Another boost of memories but on a broomstick. He had fallen off as he hit his head rather hard by a ball.
By logic means, perhaps also by the landing, hitting his head even harder.
Sephiroth yelped, yes actually yelped, and groaned in pain.

He held his head before feeling a strong pain over all his body. Unknown to him was pushed back on the bed and got showed a potion down his throat. No he was focusing on the strange aura force in his body. ‘What’s that? Why does it hurt?’ The mako and the magic was fighting against each other.
Sephiroth finally forced asleep by the woman because he was unknowingly to himself screaming.
The magic and mako finally came to decision then they realise how much they were hurting their owner, so they merged together.

Sephiroth blinked his eyes open and nearly, just nearly, jumped out of the bed but manage to stay impassive. A black clothes man and an old goat whom’s names should be professor Snape and Dumbledore.
“Are you alright my dear boy?” Did the old man just try to sound concerned because he heard otherwise, growing up in Shinra to be SOLDIER clearly also trained him in observing.
“Yes. Why?” Sephiroth asked as politely as he could. With these memories he had already grown a disklike to Dumbledore.
“Madam Pomfrey told me that you strangely was under a strong pressure and pain from a simple mere hit to the head.” Dumbledore was already expecting me to answer that without any lies. Sad to be him ‘cause Sephiroth wasn’t going to tell that. “I think, I had a really short terms memory loss cause all I remember was seeing all my memories over again, sir.” Sephiroth added ‘sir’ trying not to say it sarcastic but ended that way anyway.
Dumbledore didn’t seem to confidence but let it go.

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