No spolerino?

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They returned to pretty much the normal routine. Training, hiding from dolores and for Sephiroth and Harry a few kisses here and there.
It was nearly impossible to find a moment  Sephiroth to steal a kiss from Harry without anyone seeing other than Hermione and Luna of course. Sephiroth once took Harry out on a date in the requirement room, Harry was very happy. He showed Harry the materia and told him about them and how that white/green ball where light, last he gave it to Harry. They were testing how many spell they could remember by Harry saying a random spell and they would do them.
Just as they came to patronus charm there was a shaking in whole the room. Suddenly the mirror broke and there was a hole in the wall.
Harry and someone else (creevy) slowly walked up to the wall and took a peek through the hole. Suddenly Harry sprinted away and ducked as he yelled duck to the boy. There the pink toad and her little minions and…. was that Ron and Cho? “Grip them.” Dolores demanded and they were brought to their surprise the ministry, in the hallway nearby Dumbledore’s officer. Percy, Ron’s older brother, made a grab for Harry and Cho. He didn’t know how long they waited as the ministry had gone into Dumbledore’s officer but it was sure long time.

They were all let go but for the worse she was now the headmaster, headmistress? But we already have one so it will be headmaster.
To Sephiroth cheer irritation it was about worse than the time in SOLDIER under Shinra when doing paperwork and that was like all the time. In an example like right now they were sat at a table under a very strict supervision of the big ugly head toad drinking disgusting pink -Pink!- sugary tea. Not to mention all these rules about not be near each other and all the bullshit. Yup he didn’t like Dolores.
Anyway it was theory test or something completely useless then there was these explosion sounds echoing through the school.
If Sephiroth was guessing right this was going to be fun to watch. Just as he thought. Fireworks everywhere then the Weasley twins throwed a special firework up in the air, yup dat big dragon. The dragon scared the life out of Dolores and destroyed all the rules hanging on the wall.
Everyone was at their happy moment and followed the Weasley out of the door to the courtyard, but the only thing Sephiroth wanted was to kiss his dear emerald. He followed Harry as Harry follow the stream outside, just as he came outside he lost sight of Harry.

He looked after a mop of dark raven hair and found it just as it seem to fall. He pushed his way through the flock of peoples and stopped by Harry’s side. He didn’t know what’s going on but Harry looked pale and terrified. He helped him up as he mumbled something about Voldemort and Sirius. Hermione came to his side too and soon before they knew it they were all running to Dolores’s officer.
Then to Sephiroth dislike Harry was sitting in a chair facing Dolores and just retrieve a slap. Hermione, Neville, Luna, Cho, Ginny and Sephiroth could only watch as they’re held in wand point.
Snape came and walked away again then Hermione said something about Dumbledore’s secret weapon. Sephiroth caught on really quick as he was one of them who was there. The giant of course. He took over where Hermione left and said he would show her where it is.

He was enjoying it so much over Dolores struggle with the centaures.
“Hope you have the most wonderful journey to only god knows where.” Sephiroth could resist yelling to her.
Long moment later and a lovely ride on Thestrals, they’re standing in the ministry in a big room filled with profite? “Harry are you sure Voldemort wasn’t just trying to manipulate you into taking this profite?” Sephiroth asked his boyfriend. Harry just shook his head, his eyes catching the glimpse of the ball and took it in his small hand.
Suddenly there was death eater everywhere and they were running for their life. Ginny use a spell ‘Bombardium’ which was maybe not the best spell because soon they were running for their life for another reason. They ran for the door they could see and they actually kind of jumped through it and fell. The only thing there was running through Sephiroth’s head was ‘Shit. Did I piss off fate or something?’ Lucky there was a spell so they didn’t hit the floor hard no they stopped just a few centimeter over the ground before landing.
“I swear to Gaia.” Sephiroth whispered but didn’t get to finish the words. There was coming sound many sound….. no people who were talking from somewhere.
He could hear some voices he was familiar with; Genesis, Angeal, Zack and Aerith. Mostly only Aerith because she was a cetra. “Can you hear the voices?” Harry’s voice weakly reaches his ears.
“There are no voices Harry.” Hermione said.

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