Getting in

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I knew then that I had to use all of my ninja skills if I were to meet Tom. The police wouldn’t be fooled and so my queenly powers of knowledge were needed. Smoothing my hair, I began to walk into the throng of crazed teenage girls. Foolish idiots- they should be using their IQ to worship the chipmunk beaver of that Justin singer than be here, lowering the IQ of the whole world.

Elbows and bodies pushed me from all sides. Squirming uncomfortable, I fought to make my way towards the police. I knew that my plan would work. It would all fall in place after I hoodwinked one of the police officers.

I cleared my throat as I tapped a police officer’s shoulder. He was too busy talking to one of his colleagues so I cleared my throat once again, feeling as though I was getting Umbridge’s cough.

“Ahem. Excuse me, there? Can you help me?”

The police officer stared at me, his eyes narrowing. “No you cannot get in to see Tom. This hospital is out of bounds.”

At that, I gasped, willing the tears to come. Getting Jake into trouble for years now served me greatly in my time of need as the tears fell down my face with ease.

“B-but I had to go in for an important appointment! They were going to check my blood cell count because they think it’s irregular. Please…. I have to go in.”

The tears continued to fall as I looked up at the police man. Heavily gasping, I willed my body to start shaking in front of the police officer. His eyes widened as he turned to his colleague. Meanwhile, I was still creating a scene worth the attention of a thousand famous directors but was ignored by the selfish crazed teenage girls who only cared about themselves. Rolling my eyes back into my skull, I allowed my knees to fall to the ground, trying to ignore the sharp stabbing pain. Oh Tom… the things I would do for you…

“Hey, hey. I think she does need medical attention. Look at her, someone call a nurse!” the police officer gestured wildly with his hands as I continued my Oscar worthy act.

The officer next to him quickly radioed instructions and almost immediately the nurses ran forward. Keeping on my act, I tried to ignore the feelings of guilt about wasting hospital time. It was for a good cause after all… I had to warn Tom that there were crazy psychos after him! Wherever he would go he would be stalked and this could not happen.

Though he was perfect, he was still human, and his mind would surely break. I was merely being his protector, his saviour from the cold corruptness of the world. Allowing the nurses to lead me into the hospital, I let out a groan, pretending to be disorientated.

“Hey there. Can you hear me?” one of the nurses bent down, his face wrinkled with concerned lines.

I let out another groan before falling limp. My eyes shut close as I heard a flurry of movement surround me. Various voices were heard but they were soon faded away as I found myself drifting. Going to sleep seemed to be the best option… after all my heartbeat and breathing would slow down so I would not have to focus on my actions as much.

When I woke up, I found myself lying on a hard bed with crisp papery thin sheets. Typical… hospital beds were always so cheap and nasty. A monitor bleeped next to me and frowning, I saw the needle in my arm. My eyes bulged out of their sockets.

What? I had only pretended to be ill… I wasn’t really ill. I had no need for the drugs they were injecting into my veins… no need at all.

“Hey there. Calm down. I know you’re panicked but you’re really low on your blood sugars. You should probably try eating more fruit.”

The lilting soft voice caused my heart to stutter. I knew that voice in the same way I was able to recognise the Harry Potter theme tune by the first chord. It was Tom. It had to be. Then what he had said sunk into my head and I turned to look at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2014 ⏰

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