No One To Love

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Hello my name is Lydia, I am 16 turning 17 and I live in a small town called Millstone Vill, you probably never heard of it. It's my second last year of high school, yes I know I cant believe it either. I was wondering if you have seen my one and true love yet? Ha I'm just kidding, I haven't found him yet. Its a Monday morning, guess what that means, School. Oh what fun. "Morning and goodbye Mum, I need to go I don't want to be late for the first day of high school for the year." I say as I smile and walk towards the front door, grabbing the car keys on my way.
" Bye sweetie, have a good day at school" Mum yells from the kitchen.
Let me tell you a little about me, I'm your average teenage girl but not big on going around dating every guy I like. I have always wanted to find that one guy, my soulmate ever since the day I started high school but I'm scared to get into a relationship again because I have had a lot of heart breaks in the past and I'm still healing. I want someone who I will absolutely adore and love to come into my life and sweep me away, but we know that won't happen straight away, I'm so lonely, no one to love. Just as I'm sinking away in my love thoughts...
"Really Lydia, again with the silly soulmate thoughts?" Meet my best friend Emily, we have been friends since preschool, I know right thats a long time to be friends for. But I love her and she loves me, so I'm happy I at least found her and before you get the wrong idea no, not love kissing way its friendship you know what I mean.
"I'm sorry Em I'm just really down about this whole thing, I mean Maddie of all people has found her one, well what she thinks she has. Em you have been crushing on some boy you won't even tell me who or what he even looks like".
"Oh Lydia you will find that special someone very soon, I promise. I know that he will be as amazing as me." She says with a massive smile.
"Haha very funny Emily But I'm serious."
"And so am I Ly Ly."
"Please don't call me Ly Ly again."
"Okay I won't Ly Ly"
"Okay that's enough Em Em its on now."
"Okay Okay I've stopped now Lydia."
"Haha, I win again. But thank you Emily." I say as we walk to our first lesson of the day.
As the long first day of school goes by, I get more sadder as I think about all the guys I have liked previously are all taken and don't like me. I really do hate how M to the A to the double D to the I to the E, Maddie my now so called frienenemy has found hers, well that's what she thinks. I'm not convinced one bit, but she is which isn't surprising. Why, because every guy she has liked, Maddie thinks is the one and only for her. Lets say now its hard to believe anything she says at all.

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