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As the class goes on I notice that Dante is a bit tense, I wonder what is bothering him so much. "Dante, sorry to interrupt you. But is there something wrong?"
" Uhh, I will talk about it after school. Okay?" he says with a sad but angry face expression.
"Umm Okay?" I replied while he walked away for his next lesson. Next lesson up for me is English with, Mr. Hanks. He's a good teacher but he talks way to much. The lesson goes fast, recess passes sitting all alone due to Emily being where ever she is. Third and fourth lesson passes, Lunch was just the same as recess. I really do wonder where Emily or even Dante is, I know I have a crush on him but he is still someone I call as my friend. Last lesson, finally. It was Chemistry again with Dante, he's my Lab partner which is good and bad in a way. I tried talking to him all lesson, just to get some words out of him but he didn't say anything at all. Yes, that is the sound of heaven to my eyes, the school bell finally rings so I can go home. Walking out next to Dante, then out of no where Dante pulls me aside and yells.
"Hey!" Lets say it did startle me a bit but anyway. "Sorry Lydia, I thought you didn't see me."
"I'm not blind Dante, I was walking beside you on our way out of class."
"Sorry Lyd." We walk over to the closest bench at the school and sit. "I'm sorry I took so long to tell you and also didn't come sit with you during break. But thats besides the point, I wanted to tell you that I'm in a relationship with Maddie and well, she's cheating on me with some dude named Zack. He's a total douchbag!" I could tell this was hard for him to tell me, but I'm happy he is.
"I'm sorry to hear that Dante. I think the first thing you should do it end it with Maddie, its not right to continue dating her. Also, I know its early and all but I know who would love to go out with you." Its a long shot and I know I like him but Emily is my best friend, I would rather her happy with him.
"Um, I wasn't looking for someone to date but okay?" Maybe I should wait for a bit to tell him about Emily, what if it ruins there friendship if it doesn't work out? Stop it Lydia and just do it.
"Emily, why don't you ask her out on Friday night. Take her out and get to know her and stuff." As much as this is hurting me to say this, but Emily has liked him longer and saying me would just kill our relationship.
"Emily? Well it doesn't hurt to try it. Thanks for the recommendation Lydia, i will ask her out Friday night." He says with excitement, maybe he does like Em after all.
"No worries Dante, anything for you." I say with a slight smile, "Anyway, I better be going. have to finish off my assignments." I wave him goodbye and start to walk home. Tears of disappointment in my eyes start forming, I start walking fast as I don't want anyone to see my crying, not even Emily. At least I would of made Emily happy for hooking her up with Dante. Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy for Emily and Dante if it works out. As I'm running down my street to my house, I notice a face I have seen before. Wait is that, "Dante?" It is, I stop out front my house, "What are you doing next door to my house?" I question.
"Oh, you live there. I have always lived here... Wait that means..." He looks at me with a shocked face.
"We are next door neighbours!" No this can't be.
"Lydia, why are you crying?" He steps closer looking like he's trying to hug me.
"Huh, oh im not crying Dante. Yeah, I'm not crying it all." I say as I take a step but to give us more space and wiping my tears off my face. I can't say I'm crying in front of Dante, then he will know I'm very weak and easy to get too.
"Are you really sure your not crying? You sure look like it, cause I don't think you know your not crying when you clearly are Lydia." He wants to hug me, but if I let him hug me I'll poor out my feelings and thats not a good idea. Keep your distance Lydia, don't give in.
"Yeah, I'm fine Dante. I'm not crying, don't worry about me." I say as I wipe away my tears of my cheek. "I better get going, I'll see you later I guess."
"Oh, Okay bye Lydia." He says with a big smile on his face. I start walking and wow that smile was just burning my insides out, it was so amazing and hot. This isn't good Lydia, Dante lived next door to you, he's going to be dating your best friend, this was not what I had in mind when I said I wanted to get closer to him! I open the front door and mum is in the kitchen cooking something that smells amazing.
"Afternoon Darling, how was your first few days of school going?" Mum asks me with a sweet smile.
"Mum, I don't really want to talk about it. I'm going up to my room, I have lots of assignments to do."
"Okay dear, what would you like for dinner?" I heard to question, but I just couldn't answer it, it was hard enough for me to talk to her then. My breathing is getting heavy because I'm holding in my tears. I didn't mean to be rude to mum, I just cant take holding it in anymore. This is a long shot, but I know what I'm going to do. I need to tell Emily about how I feel, lets hope she understands me. Dial in Emily's number, now its just time for her to pick up.
"Hey Lydia, whats up?" She sounds so happy maybe I shouldn't.
"Hi Em, I just need to tell you something." I say with nerves pouring out of me.
"Yes, I'm listening."
"Well I... I..." Just say it Lydia, stop sounding like a dying robot!
"Spit it out Lydia!" Emily yells through the phone.
"I... I hooked you up on a date with Dante." That wasn't so hard was it, No!
"Omg Lydia, your the best!" She screams over the phone, I swear the whole world could hear her.
"Haha, I know I am. You are going out with him this Friday night but just wait for him to ask you, okay?"
"Fine." Emily says with a sigh.
"Em, I got something else I need to tell you and please don't get angry at me." This is the hardest thing I have ever got to do every, telling my best friend I like her crush that she will be going on a date with this Friday. Here goes nothing.
"Oh okay, what is it?"
"Um, I really..."

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