Chapter 3

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The next day Sammy came over to take the jacket back to Jewelian.
"Soph take this wrong way but you don't look so good." Sammy said concerned.
"Oh I didn't sleep well last night." she said shyly. They walked to Jewelian's house. When they got there, Sammy took the liberty of knocking. Sophie giggled and playfully nudged Sammy's arm. Zoey answered the door. She was wearing a purple cami that showed the top of her black bra. She had blue shorts with white and pink polka dots on them. Her long black hair was all knotted up. It was obvious she had just woken up. Despite how sleepy she looked, she was still damn near drop dead gorgeous. She smiled and opened the door a bit wider.
"Hey guys! Come on in! Julz is getting dressed so he'll be out shortly. Are ya'll hungry? I can make ya'll some food if you'd like." Zoey said. She was what Sammy and Sophie would call "corkey". 
"No thanks I ate at my place." Sammy said.
"Do you have some cereal?" Sophie asked.
"That cabinet." Zoey said as she pointed to a cabinet on the second shelf.
"Thanks." Sophie said. She went over to the cabinet and got the box of Cheerios.
"I'm gonna go get dressed ok? I'll be back shortly." Zoey said happily before she left for her room. Sammy eyed Sophie in a strange way.
"What?" she asked.
"Nothing it's just weird that you didn't want to eat anything last night but today you're all over Julz's Cheerios." Sammy observed.
"Well excuse me for being hungry." she snapped back. Sammy took a step back and raised his hands up.
"Geez you're no fun today. Or is it just that time of the month for you?" he joked. She shot him the look of death and shook her head no. At that moment Julz emerged from the hall. Not far behind him was another person. Sophie didn't really pay much attention to them. She was more focused on her breakfast than Julz and the other person.
"Hey Julz!" Sammy couldn't hide the excitement in his voice to save his life.
"Sup." Julz replied with a slight head nod. Sophie gave a slight giggle and rolled her eyes. Julz was trying to act all cool in front of Sammy and it was hilarious! Sammy wasn't into that. Julz looked over at Sophie.
"Cheerios. My fave." he said smiling. Of course they were his favorite... Sophie just smiled nicely.
"I hope you don't mind. Zoey said it was cools that I ate some cereal." Julz chuckled.
"Yeah it's cools. Thanks for bringing my jacket back." he said. It made Sophie a little uncomfortable when he emphasised the word cools. Like he was making fun of her for it or something.
"Not a problem. I didn't mean to take it last night. I kind of forgot I was wearing it." she said sheepishly. They looked into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever until someone cleared their throat. Sophie jumped and she snapped out of her gaze and looked at the ground. She didn't exactly know or even understand why she held the gaze for so long in the first place. Was it because of the dream from last night? Or was it due to the lack of sleep and she was just zoning out?
"Aren't you going to introduce me?" asked an unfamiliar voice. Sophie looked up. It wasn't unfamiliar at all. In fact she had heard that voice before. When she looked at him, she instantly knew it was the boy from her dream. She instantly tensed up and started to breathe heavier. She could feel herself blush and she could tell the boy had noticed. He gave a slight smile and wouldn't take his eyes off of her. Sophie squirmed in her chair. She hated that his stare was enough to make her fidget. She bit her lip and calmed down.
"This is Sammy and this is Sophie. She has her own band!" Julz said excitedly.
"Cool what's your band's name?" asked the strange boy from her dream.
'The Black Diamonds." she barely whispered a reply. Her throat was swollen in fear of the boy. He was nice and all in her dream but there was still something... off about him. It was the feeling of when she talked to Julz for the first time and the feeling she got when she was in the room. She didn't like this feeling but she had a feeling she should get use to it because everyone in this house made her feel like that except Sammy. However, Sammy was beginning to make her feel that way as well because of his eagerness to be accepted by Julz. She didn't realize it but she had practically chewed through her lip.
"My name is James." said the dream boy.
"Well now that we've all been properly acquainted, we should do something together." Julz said with a smile. Sophie raised an eyebrow at the statement. She took it very wrong than what was intended.
"Aww Soph you're blushing!" Sammy said with a laugh. He even pointed at her and she could feel herself blush an even brighter shade of red. All of the boys laughed at her.
"I'm not!" she exclaimed out of embarrassment.
"It's nice outside. Maybe we should go to the beach." Julz suggested.
"I'm down for that." James said. He looked Sophie up and down. She began to squirm again. She didn't like people obviously checking her out like that. She got up and put her bowl into the sink. James was still staring at her.
"I didn't bring any beach attire. I wasn't expecting to stay at all actually..." she trailed off nervously.
"Damn Soph that was hella rude." Sammy said. They had a small fight with just the way they were looking at each other. No one knew what was said by those looks but it was clear that Sophie gave in.
"I'm sorry guys. I didn't mean to be so rude. I just didn't sleep very well last night." she said. Her apology sounded genuine.
"It's cools. You can just borrow some of Zoey's things. I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Julz said. Once again he accented cools. That was Sophie's word and it was weird to hear others use it in front of her. It's not like she had like a copyright or patent for that word but it was still strange.
"I don't think we are the same size." she said trying not to think about a stupid little word.
"Well let's find out. Hey Zo! Can Sophie borrow a swimsuit?!" Julz obnoxiously yelled down the hall. Why couldn't he just walk to her room?
"Sure!" Zoey hollard back. Again, why couldn't we just walk down there?! Sophie decided she was going to walk to Zoey's room. Zoey grabbed Sophie's arms and pulled her into the room. Sophie gasped a little and looked at her. Zoey walked over to her dresser. She opened up a drawer.
"Try on anything you like." she said cheerfully. Sophie peeked into the drawer. They were all bikinis. Sophie didn't like bikinis. She turned to object but Zoey had already put on a camo one. She looked damn good in it too. Sophie felt more self conscious of herself. Zoey walked over to the drawers and looked through all of the swimsuits. She finally found the one she was searching for. It was a powder blue bikini with white little sparkles on it. It looked really pretty but still made Sophie feel uncomfortable.
"Go on. Try it on. It'll go great with your skin tone." Zoey encouraged. Sophie shyly grabbed the suit. She turned around and put it on. It surprisingly fit her well. She didn't think it would since Zoey is a much smaller girl. She was still uncomfortable with showing that much skin. Especially since there were going to be boys around. If it were just Sammy or just Zoey, then it wouldn't have bothered her as much. But since James and Julz were going to be around, it made her on edge. She was scared they were going to be constantly staring at her. More James than Julz but still.
"Hey are you girls ready?" James asked from the doorway. He was covering his eyes just in case they weren't. Sophie giggled because he looked silly.
"Yeah let's go." Zoey said. James uncovered his eyes and saw two beautiful girls in front of him. He knew one was off limits but the other, the other was a temptress. He could tell she knew what she was doing to him. He bit his lip as he stared a bit longer. Maybe longer than he should have.
"Wow um... I-I'm gonna go tell the guys we can leave now." he said not taking his eyes off the girls. Sophie grabbed a towel and wrapped herself in it. She was right. He was staring hella hard. She contemplated if she should tell James that he made her feel uncomfortable or not. What if he would keep doing it just to make her feel awkward. James took the hint and walked out of the room.
"He likes you ya know." Zoey said casually. Sophie was shocked at Zoey's words.
"You really think so?" she asked so innocently. Zoey snorted.
"Think? Honey I know. He told Julz and I that yesterday." she said with a laugh.
"Yesterday? But I've never seen him before today." Sophie said. There was a slight wonder in her voice.
"You might not have seen him, but he's definitely seen you."

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