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Nari stood in front of the mirror in her room, trying to do something with her hair.  It was getting too long.  She made a mental note to find a good salon in the area once she got her first paycheck.  She felt excitement at the thought of getting paid to play the piano.  It sounded too good to be true, yet it was true. 

The door to the room opened and startled her a bit.  A tall girl with hot pink, bobbed hair walked in, holding one suitcase and another small bag. 

"Hey," the new person mumbled, surveying the room situation and throwing her things on the bottom bunk. 

Nari stopped messing with her hair and turned to the new girl, pasting what she hoped was a friendly smile onto her face. "Hello, I'm Nari. Nice to meet you. Looks like we'll be roommates!" She watched as the new girl tucked her hair behind her ears and looked around the room.

"Yeah, seems so. Hey, I need room for my cello. So I hope you don't mind if I stick it here somewhere." She moved over to a corner away from the door but held much of Nari's things.


"Good." She walked back into the hall and returned with a large black case.

Nari's eyes grew wide as the girl simply shoved her things aside and stuck her cello in the corner. She bent down and tried to straighten Nari's things back up but failed to replicate the neat stack Nari had been able to create earlier.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I can't have Rosie near the door. Humidity control, you know. I mean, I have a humidity control thingy in the case, but you can't be too careful." She raised her eyebrows and then frowned. "Are you an early riser," she asked through narrowed eyes. "I'm kind of a night owl. Okay, I'm a complete night owl. I hope you can work with that." She shoved her suitcases under her bed, and with one last look around the room, she grabbed her jacket and left.

Nari stood dumbfounded in the middle of the room. It was like a whirlwind had flown in and flown out. What had just happened? She grabbed her phone and opened her Twitter. She snapped a photo of the cello case and posted it with the accompanying tweet:

"So this just moved into my room. My roommate is a cellist. Fun times ahead! 😐 #MaybeWeCanPlayADuet #IThinkSheLikesMe"

She sat down in the desk chair and sighed at the disarray things were in now. Grabbing her stack of stuff from the corner, she rearranged it into a neat pile somewhere far away from the cello case.

After tweeting, she browsed her few notifications.  She stared at the new follower she had.  That seemed odd.  She never gained new followers.  What kind of name is JiminsScarf?  Must be someone who saw her like on her sister's tweet and just wanted follow backs. She rolled her eyes and pondered, blocking them.   Suddenly, her phone rang.   It was Nana.  Nari grinned widely and answered the phone. 


"Neri!  You hate your roommate already?" Her sister cackled into the phone, and Nari blushed at having been seen through.

"Yah!  I don't think I said that at all!"

"You didn't have to!  Your tweet screamed it loud and clear!  BAHAHAHAHAHAH!"

"Ahem, Nana, if you're going to pick on me, I will hang up." 

"Awww, don't be that way!  I miss you.  Have you gotten all unpacked and stuff?"

"Yeah!  I also got a job!"

"Already?!  That's so fast!  What kind of job is it?  You better not be selling your body on the street somewhere because I'm sorry to tell you that you won't get much.  I mean, have you seen that non-existent chest of yours?"

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