Errors and Glitches

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Error opened a portal to Underswap, he had to warn everyone there, but would anyone even believe him?
Error ran through, running all around Underswap, looking for the innocent Sans everyone called Blueberry. He kept running until he came across Alphys and Blue training. He was panting.
"Error?! Are you ok?!" The short sans shouted, running up to Error forcing him to stand straight.
"Y-yes but Fell isn't!" Error shouted, worry in his face.
"What do you mean?" Asked Blueberry, worry clouding his star shaped eyes.
"Ink killed him." Error said darkly, fear clouding his normally fearless eyes lights.
"Wait what?!" Blue exclaimed, fear now in his eye lights.
"Inks a murderer! G-get everyone a-and I'll open a portal to the anti-void to keep them safe! P-please hurry." Error pleaded, which was unusual for him.
"Okay. Stay here, I'll get them as quickly as I can!" Blue shouted, running off.
Error stood there, shaking. "O-oh god.... W-what if Ink kills everyone?!" Error began glitching, out of pure fear.
Underswap Alphys stared at the dark boned skeleton, shocked. Right in front of her was the most feared skeleton throughout all AUs, shaking in pure fear. "Umm Error? Are you ok?" She asked, a little worried about the destructor.
"D-do you think I'm ok?!" He shouted, shaking badly.
"Calm down Error, nothing bad will happen." She tried reassuring him but obviously failed as he only shook more.
"YOU THINK NOTHING BAD WILL HAPPEN?! I WATCHED INK KILL FELL WITH NO MERCY!" Error shouted, shaking badly, Error fell to his knees, shaking and glitching badly. Tears slowly forming in his eyes sockets.
Blue was behind Error when he shouted, with everyone else behind him. Suddenly Underswap Papyrus stood in front Blueberry, mainly out of fear that Error would hurt the innocent skeleton.
"Papyrus move! Error needs a hug!" Complained Blueberry, trying to get past Underswap Papyrus (whom I'll call Honey from now on) who blocked the way.
Error cried, shaking in pure fear. He was never had a breakdown such as this, in front of anyone. Honey stared at the dark boned destructor in pure disbelief. Blueberry managed to get past Honey, hugging his glitchy friend tightly.
Error flinched shouting. "JUST RUN THROUGH THE PORTAL!" Just then, a portal opened.
Everyone but Honey and Blueberry ran through the portal. "Error are you ok?" Honey for once sounded worried.
"I'm fine! JUST GO!" Error snapped, still shaking and crying.
Honey flinched.
"Error? What's wrong?" Asked Blueberry placing his hand on the destructors shoulder.
Blueberry flinched and sighed. "Sorry Error...." Blue and Honey walked through the portal, leaving Error alone in all of Underswap.
Error curled up into a ball, crying and shaking uncontrollably.
He was all alone, crying. He should try saving other AUs but he wasn't sure that there was any point, besides once everyone died, he'd be next.
He lay there for watch could've been hours crying, until he finally stopped, sitting up. "I need to grow a backbone and try...." He sighed, standing up shakily.
Just as he was about to open a portal, he heard an al familiar voice.
"Hello Error, leaving I see." The voice giggled.
Error froze, slowly turning around, a look of fear plastering itself onto his face. "M-maybe..?" Whimpered Error in pure fear.
"Oh I see, lying how?" Asked Ink getting ready to swing his paintbrush at Error.
"P-please don't hurt me..." Error whimpered again in fear, backing away slowly.
"Why not, you stupid glitch?" Giggled Ink walking closer until Error's back was against the cave walls.
"P-please I'm begging you!" Cried Error shaking until he felt a sharp jab to his rib cage. He gasped in pain, wrapping his arms around his chest.
"Hurts doesn't it?" Laughed Ink, jabbing Error's ribs again but harder.
He yelped in pain, falling to the ground, tears escaping his eyes.
"Y'know killing you wouldn't be any fun... But watching you suffer and attempt to save everyone is." Laughed Ink putting the bristled end of his paintbrush under Error's chin forcing him to look up.
Error had a look of pure fear on his face, tears falling. Now Error knew how Ink felt when Error attempted killing him.
"Now, how badly should I harm you?" Asked Ink, jabbing Error's neck bone causing error difficultly breathing, which didn't help since he began glitching more, meaning his sight was limited.
"P-please don't...." Whimpered Error, grabbing a hold of Ink's paintbrush.
Ink jabbed his neck bone, kicking his rib cage. "Nah. I want to hear you scream in pain." Ink threw his paintbrush down, picking Error up by the hood of his jacket.
"P-please! I'm begging you!" Cried Error, wrapping his hands gently around Inks wrist. "T-this isn't you..."
"No? It's the new me actually." Smirked Ink, moving one of his hands under Error's shirt, taking hold of one of his ribs, tightly.
Errors eyes widened. Was Ink going to do what he thought?
Ink jerked his hand forward, making a sickening crack be heard.
Error screamed in pain. Ink had just broken one of his ribs.
"Let's see..." Ink took a hold of Error's right forearm, tightly.
"P-please don't...." Error gently put his hand on Ink's cheek. "P-please.... I know I made a mistake... Hell I deserve this...." Tears kept falling, Ink glanced at Error, pity in his eyes.
"Error.... Why is your hand on my cheek?!" Ink shouted, anger replacing the pity in his eyes.
"Because...." Error dragged the word out before looking down and dropping his hand. "I don't care what happens to me.... Just kill me if you want but promise you won't kill anyone else. I'll tell you where I led Blue and all the other swaps... Just please don't hurt anyone." Error tried reasoning, gently rubbing Inks cheek with his thumb until another sickening crack was heard, Error screamed again.
Error was shaking, injured and vulnerable.
"Your weak, you know that? What would I get out of killing you? No fun that way." Chuckled Ink darkly, dropping Error.
Error yelped, shutting his eyes. "P-please stop... I'm begging you."
Ink picked his paintbrush up, lifting it high and then bringing it down on the cave wall next to Error, making the skeleton flinch.
"Fine. I'll stop. But you have to come here every. Single. Day. This time exactly. Or I'll hurt you more. Ok?" Ink faked a cheery tone. What will Error's answer be? A yes or a no?

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