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Takes place two years later :p Might be some errors BC once again its an old ass story

~Yuki Neko Jeagerjaques

"Jack! You ate all the popcorn!"

"No, I didn't, Felix did!"

"Dammit, Felix!" Maria threw the empty popcorn box on the kitchen floor.

"I told you not to leave snacks in the kitchen while he's home alone." Sean said, walking in the kitchen. After highschool, Sean, Maria, and Felix decided to move into together. None of them had the thought of going to college but instead just getting jobs after highschool.

"We don't have any milk either." Sean said, grabbing the empty milk jug out the refrigerator. Maria glared at it and stormed out the kitchen. Sean sighed, he picked up the popcorn box and threw the milk carton and the popcorn box in the trash bin.




Sean giggled, hearing Maria beat up Renji. He slipped on his flats and grabbed the car keys.

"Bye, guys, I'm going to work!" Sean shouted up the stairs.



Jack giggled and walked out the door.

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Sean works at a cafe. He started working here a few weeks after he graduated highschool. He wanted to become a doctor but that required him to go to college for at least like ten years.

"Hey, babe."

Sean looked up from the menu he was looking at. He looked up at the person in shock. Never had he thought of ever seeing this person again.


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"It's been a while, huh, babe?" Mark said, with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah...two years..." Sean said, quietly, biting his lip nervously. He didn't know why he was so nervous. So, what it has been two years since the last time he saw him.

"So, maybe after you get off we can talk?" Mark asked.

"Uh, I get off in fifteen minutes, so, uh, yeah, we can talk." Sean said.

"Okay, good. I'll be sitting over at that table by the window." Mark told Sean before walking over to the table and sitting down.

Sean looked down at his feet, nervous about what Mark wants to talk about.

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"So, what did you want do you want to talk about?" Sean asked, sitting down across from Mark. Usually, after Sean gets off work he goes and visits his dad and sisters, then goes straight home. (Goes gay home, amirite?)

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