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~Kirigiri's P.O.V~

Text From: Maizano

Are you going tonight?? I heard Makoto's going to be there!!!

Text From: Kirigiri

Yes, not for that though. For Junko and Togami. 

Text From: Maizano

Uh oh. I'll leave you to that. Leon's picking me up to go and look at dresses!!


Maizano always has to go shopping for a new dress. I usually just go in a jump suit. BUt today is special. 

I walk up to my closet and pull out a Dark purple cocktail dress. It's a bit to sexy for me. Catches every curve of my body. I slide it on and hope that Dad doesn't get home earlier than usual. He woudn't let me wear this. My dad's the principal of Hopes Peak High, and usually works late. 

Text to: Dad

Hey dad, I'm going to Togami's party. I'll be home later.

Text From: Dad

Ok kiddo! Be safe!!

Text to: Dad

K bye dad.

He never really cares. I'm not surprised.

My phone suddenly dings and it's from Asahina 

Text From: Asahina

Hey, do yo have a ride to Togami's party?

Text from: KIrigiri

No, I was planning on walking.

Text from: Asahina

Me and Sakura will pick you up.

Text from: Kirigiri

Okay then. See you in a bit.

Text from: Asahina 

Dress nice!! Makoto's coming

I get annoyed at that and don't respond. I sit down at my desk and pull out my laptop. I do that until Asahina and Sakura get here.

I hear the car honk and grab my shoes and a dark purple handbag with 20 dollars, my phone, and the key to my house and the High school. You never know when you might have to make an emergency trip to school.

"Let's get this party started!!!" Asahina says turning up the music. 


After what seemed like the longest and loudest car ride ever, we finally arrive. I step out of car and walk up to the big double doors. I push them open and there's Togami. I find Junko and give her a glance. She looks back at me with sad eyes. I look around for Makoto and hope he doesn't see what I'm about to do. Luckily, I don't see him. So he's obviously not here yet.

I begin to walk up to Togami as Junko runs in front of me and starts up conversation. As if she doesn't want me to hurt him.

"What are you doing?!" I whisper yell.

"What do you mean!!! I'm having fun!!!" She says, then she takes down her voice to a whisper,"Don't do it!! I don't want you to!!"

I decide to just leave it be. I walk over to the juice bar. And get some fruit punch. I walk over and sit on the couch. I turn my head to Makoto walking over to talk to Komeada and Akane.


Hey guys!!! Thanks for reading this chapter!! I have a lot of fun writing this! And at least this chapter was longer than the others!! Junko decided to strop Kirigiri from giving Togami a sock in the face? Will that let him think he can get away with things? Let's see!!! See you next time!!

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