[02] 💢

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I focus on myself in the mirror. I had extremely dark bags under my eyes, Hair sticking out in every possible way and dried up drool at the side of my mouth. I sighed and stripped myself from my clothes and climbed into the shower and switched on the water, it came out freezing cold so i jerked away and shrieked.

After i got rid of my morning self, I proceeded into my room and substitute my towel for my new uniform. I observe my new look through the stretched mirror, enabling me to see my entire body. I do not suit this. I ran back to my wardrobe and grabbed a sweater. I eventually was able to put it on after a couple of minutes of struggling.

I finally made my way downstairs and sat on the table awaiting my breakfast, "morning sleeping beast" touka teased as she placed the plate in front of me,

"Good morning to you useless parent" I shot her one of my fake smiles as anger took shape on her face, almost about to snap the wooden spoon.

"I should have put poison in your food while I had the chance" I continued to eat my food innocently, pretending like I didn't press the buttons on touka.

Oh, did I also mention that I have school and I am going to be inconsiderately late. I strapped my backpack on my shoulders and made my way to the door.

"I'm leaving now" I got no response, I shrugged it off and resumed unlocking the door. Without warning, the sound of someone taking a picture sounded into my ear. I'm not even going to turn. I walked out of the house and slammed the door behind me.


Getting there was easy enough, I stood in front of the large door as in hailed and ex hailed. I raised my sleeve to check the time. "7:52" I whispered to myself. Isn't that strange? The transfer student is early And i barely had enough sleep because of all the anime seris i was watching last night.

I placed my hands on the door knob unlocking it to reveal an almost filled class, all sorts of people were there, People with potential. I spend most of my days sealed in my room. Blocking myself from the outside world. So I have no intention to make friends

I marched to an avalible seat. Literaly. I dropped my bag down once i sat down. My eyes drilled into the wooden desk, denying any eye contact. I sighed and my eyes fell weary as I struggled to keep them open, I just finished running a marathon to those closing gates, so of course i'm drained. My head lightly hit the desk as small snoring sounds escaped my lips, my arms forming a small barrier around the desk. Out of no where, The door burst open and a few curse words leaked out.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY DEKU!" I moaned lightly as my (E/C) eyes fluttered open, my head rose and saw a blurred figure. Once adjusted I saw a tall boy infront of me.

"Pizza Boy?" I say in a soft tone after rubbed my eyes. The room instantly became silent and their attention fixed onto us. The ash blonde stood their with a surprised look. He roughly snatched me by the collar and heaved me out of the room. I streteched my hands out, saying goodbye to my only source of sleep. Till we meet again chair and desk...

My back slammed against the wall causeing me to wince, his hands on either side on my head blocking any escape, faces only inches apart

"What happened yesterday doesn't give you the right to call me pizza boy! You keep your trap shut and I won't bust your face in. I don't care if your girl!" His scent drifted into my nose and his face growling with anger... My hands flattered against his chest and pushed, "Don't flatter yourself" I waved him the back of my hand, leaving him to stare bullets into me...

I latched the door behind me and took a deep breathe, no one noticed so i used that as an oppotunity to sneack back into my chair. I think i just made a friend, more like rival. He rambled back into the room and couldn't keep his eyes off of me... Oh what a sight to be stared down to smithereens...

  The door creecked open and a hobo entered the class with a cocoon looking sleeping bag. In my eyes he looked stoned. He made his way to the front of the class as all the students eyes locked on his figure.

"Hello students, I'm just going to get straight the point. There is a transfer student somewhere in the class." Their eyes bulged out in surprise.

"What?! She here?"
"It's one month into the school year and there taking transfer students"

I raised my hands into the air and silence met the room, their eyes shifted to my small frame. I tried retaining a neutral facial expression, but my eyes brows couldn't help but twitching due to the amount of stares. Attention, disgusting...

"Would you like to Introduce yourself to the class" he slurped the remaining of his juice box and made my way to the front of the class. I folded my arms and looked away from them all...

"Hi, my names (L/N) (F/N). I have no interest in making friends and I hate tight spaces. Please don't talk to me" I bowed and there was no response

"She's so cute!!" A brunette bounced up from her seat with stars in her eyes admiring my small figure. I had to admit I do look like a kid. It seems like these fools didn't take me seriously.

"I just want to hold her really tight, can we keep her?" A pink skinned girl hugged herself with blush tinted on her cheeks, to be honest it was barely visible. Wait! I'm a dog now?

"Omg, I must release my affection to this fine creation of cuteness" at the corner of the room there were floating clothes making hand movements, which semi freaked me out. "Oh sorry, my name tooru and I'm invisible"

"Yeah, yeah. Now can you all take your seats. I'm not getting paid for you guys to rant on about how cute she is" I walked back to my seat which was coincidently in front of Katsuki, and the others did so.The lesson continued on, everything that is non-heroic related.

My stoned eyes teacher shut the attendance book and made his way to the door and released eye droplets into his eyes. The sound of the door shutting bounced of the walls. People began standing from their seats and exited the room.

The heel of my shoes associated nicely with the ground, my head bobbing occasion from the music barking from my headphones. Hair swaying in the motion. Right now I'm on my way home, with no one, no sight nor human presence following me from behind. Not at all..

"All right, where ever you are come out" I stopped in my tracks, and rotated myself to the direction of that tree. And a certain ash-blonde revealed himself...

"Katsuki, I didn't expect you to be stalking me" I pointed to him with a shock looked. He groaned and scratched the back of his head. "I'm not stalking you... I'm going home" he tried not to make eyes contact

"Yeah, right" I smirked and rested my weight on my hip, crossing my arms in the process.

"You doubt me woman?!' Piss written all over his face, I couldn't help but laugh. No more like snort.

"Ew, you're laugh is disgusting" he stuffed his hands into his pockets and walked forward. I caught up to him...

"Thank you" I smiled...

(Yay it's finished! Sorry for the rushed ending!)

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