Shattered World

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Before you read this, i would like you to know that i actually dreamt this in the back of a car on the way to a restaurant. I have very little writing skill, so what i dreamt was a lot more vivid than what I've written. I managed to traumatize myself with my own brain...yay...

Headphones were plugged into my ears, blasting rock music into my brain. I was stretched across two seats, my feet pressed against the side of the car. Consumed by my imaginary world, i leant back and grinned, picturing the apocalypse as i drifted into sleep...

I dreamt that my dad and I were going to visit somebody. I didn't know who, but i knew he was ill. And i knew that the world was falling apart.

In my dream, everything was sick and dying. The bodies of birds and foxes littered the roads, choking the pavement. The branches of trees hung limp and lifeless. People stumbled across roads, eyes sunk into their skills, their shoulders shaking from every hacking cough.

My dad and I were inside a car, driving towards the place where the ill person that we were visiting lived. I felt oddly peaceful. My dad's eyes were concentrated on the road, and i was staring dreamily out of the window, running my finger across the glass as i stared casually at the death outside, as if i had no worries in the world.

Suddenly, dad stopped the car. I turned, still in a dreamy haze, to face a massive metal gate in front of us. A beaten old sign clung to it, saying "Warning, gamma radiation levels high in this area."

Dad shrugged, as if he was used to signs warning him about radiation. Confused, i scowled as he got out of the car, motioning for me to join him. I grabbed the door and pushed it open, the burning air from the outside slapping my face. A tiny voice in the back of my head screamed that England was NEVER as hot as this, that this was dangerous. I ignored it and trudged through the mud with my dad, cloaking my nose with a scarf in an attempt to avoid the stench. An attempt that failed, by the way.

To my dream self, it felt like a normal day. A family and a few couples walked past us, chatting non-stop as my dad and i waded through the mud in silence, trying to ignore the dead bodies covering the pavement. A few scrawny crows picked at what rotted flesh remained. With so much death, i would have thought they would be fat. But these crows were being affected by whatever was happening as well. Their beady eyes were dull, and they slowly waddled aimlessly around, not even bothering to try to fly away as we drew closer.

I heard a voice, and looked up to see a man running towards us, eyes wide. His skin was grey and his chest was heaving as he choked on the air inside his own lungs. "Look around you!" he shouted, "The world is dying, and nobody gives a shit!"

Just then, a horse fell from a tree nearby. Yes, a horse. Believe me, i have no idea how it got up there, but dreams are like that. They often make no sense.

The horse landed on the dead grass, a broken heap of brown. I stood there, shocked, as it sucked in a few last, shuddering breaths, and died.

My dream self stood, motionless, as the world shattered around her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2014 ⏰

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