An Unusual Way of Meeting

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~Julie's pov~

Hi. My name is Sean.

The text appeared out of nowhere on my phone screen in the middle of english class. The phone had been facing up so I panicked that my teacher would see it. Of course, she was too busy scribbling down nonsense onto the smart board. I quickly grab my phone before anyone sees and type back, *Who are you?* then I say, *and how did you get this number?* I was paying no attention in class and the teacher, Mrs. Becom, called on me.

"Julie? What part of speech is this word?" Mrs. Becom asked. There was a sentence on the board that I couldn't read because of my bad vision. Mrs. Becom was an old lady who looked like a librarian and she was very strict.

My phone vibrated and I didn't dare look down in my lap to see what Sean had said. "I-," I studdered and squinted at the board, still unable to read any of the words. "I don't know." I quickly looked away and she lost interest in me.

I looked down at my phone and saw a message that said *Well, my name is Sean and I got your number from Mark.* Mark? I thought. Could he mean Markiplier? I decided to go on the safe side and say *alright* I quickly looked up and the boy across from me, Drew, was looking at me. Drew mouthed the words 'what are you doing?' and I just shook my head, not wanting to tell him. He looked at me one last time with concerned eyes, then refocused back on the lesson.

I looked back at my phone and saw that Sean texted me back. *So* he had said. *what are you up to?* I glanced up before I responded and saw my teacher looking at me, but she looked away quickly.

*Well* I said back. *I'm kinda in class right now, but I get out in fifteen minutes.* It was 14:05 and school got out at 14:20.

*Oh!* he said. He seemed like he was excited. *What class are you in?* Didn't he get the point!? I can't text! I'm in school! I texted him back anyway. *I'm in English right now and if my teacher sees me on my phone again, I'm not getting it back.* I made it PRETTY CLEAR that I shouldn't be texting him, but yet again, he responded to me. *Then why are you texting me right now ;)* I hit my forehead and said to him *Look, I need you to not text me for the next fifteen minutes because I REALLY don't want to get in trouble.* I exhaled, putting my elbows on the desk and my hands over my face.

Soon enough, I felt another vibration on my lap and it was Sean saying a simple *ok :)* I gladly turned off the vibration on my phone to make sure he wouldn't bother me anymore until school ended and slipped my phone into my pocket. I participated in the rest of the class and jumped to my feet when class was dismissed, yet somehow, I was still close to the last one out of the room.

As I was exiting through the doorway, I heard a the voice of Mrs. Becom saying, "Julie, may I speak to you for a minute?" Her voice had layers of false sympathy over red hot anger. She said it as blatantly as possible. "I saw you on your phone." My shoulders slumped as I put my books on the desk next to me, ready to give my phone over to her.

"No, no," she said to me in a true sypathetic voice. "I'm not going to take your phone from you. You are excelling in all of your classes, I don't mind you being on your phone."

I sighed and in a small voice, I said, "Really?"

"Yes," she said, then quickly added, "but that doesn't mean that I want to see any slacking from you. I expect the best from you since I'm giving you these privledges. I have also spoken to your other teachers and they consented that it is okay for you to use your phone in class. Now go. It's Friday and you'll miss your bus if you don't leave."

I started to leave, but I turned around and said to my teacher, "thank you," then headed to my bus. I walked onto the bus lot and boarded it. I greeted my bus driver and made my way to my seat in the back of the bus.

I check my phone after I sit down and I have 12 and counting messages from Sean. *hey, its 14:20* *hey, what happened?* *are you okay?* *please answre me* *answer** were just a few. *hey* I respond. *I'm okay, I just got held up in school* I added. *oh, okay.* he says in what I think is a relieved tone? I think? *Anyway, what do you look like? I want to see who I'm talking to.* I send to him. He pauses for a minute before he responds with a picture:

I look at the picture and practically melt at the sight of the famous YouTuber, jacksepticeye

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I look at the picture and practically melt at the sight of the famous YouTuber, jacksepticeye. Well okay then. I think to myself, way calmer than I should be.

(I will pick this up in the next part. I hope you enjoyed:))

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