Chapter 3

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Your POV

Before the teacher came back and I acted like I was sitting down the whole time.Dinah was asked to passing out the paper and she happed to be sitting next to me.

She passed out the papers and when she sat down she accidentally dropped her pencil in my lap which I smirk because she had to touch me to get her pencil.

I took the pencil and slowly put it in my pants as Dinah tried to grab it away.

She rolled her eyes and went on her phone even as he teacher took her to get off her phone .

"What are you going to do about it?" Dinah replied boldly, smirking to herself when the old man sat down in defeat.God, she was so horrible.

I shook my head lightly in the disbelief that she was actually allowed to have her phone out me nobody else was.I put my headphone back on and turned up my music even higher, soon the old man was yelling at me because he could hear my music coming from my earphones from where he was standing in the room.

I just ignored him and proceeded in listening to music while reading my sports magazine. Several minutes later, I felt a wet flick on my neck .

"Can you not?" I said loudly, causing a few people to look at us.I turned around and completely ignored Dinah again.

After the hour was up, I rushed out of the room began making my way towards my car in the parking lot.Just when the doors were opening I felt a hand on my shoulder, clearly turning to prevent me from getting in the vehicle.

"Wait," Sofia said desperately.I was internally yelling, would she ever leave.I kinda felt bad because she was so desperate."I was wondering...if uhm, maybe,you wanted to hang out sometime?" she asked nervous.

"Not really I'm busy with sports this whole year and I going to focus on only that this year and nothing else so bye" I lied, it was the only way to get out of this.

"How about after practice someday?" she offered with a grin, I took her hand off me and rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"I don't think-" I began but I was cut off by a voice behind us.

"Sofia I think you need to learn when to accept rejection.Besides, I'm sure you can do better than a stupid small dick conceded jock," said Dinah, scoffing cruelty at the poor girl.She was really making me angry now,calling me stupid and saying my dick was small which is not true at all was crossing the line.

I looked over to Sofia who had tears in her eyes and was glued to the ground I wanted to laugh so bad but then I felt bad.I should just leave that stupid bitch with Sofia.

"I can make some time for after practice tomorrow," I felt the word escape my mouth without thinking,causing Sofia's eyes to shoot up and look at mine and her face to light up.I only said it because I've hadn't got laid in a while and thinking back she was good in bed so what's the worst the could happen.

I now looked at Dinah who had a unreadable expression on her face, she was glaring at Sofia and I knew she was pissed.She hated any girls or cheerleaders hanging around me I knew she likes  me but I not gonna confront her just yet.

Then she met my eyes and I just stared at her with a smirk telling her why I wanna hangout with Sofia tomorrow for some reason I couldn't break the contact.She stared at me for what seemed like hours making me uncomfortable god knows what she is thinking.

"Is this some kind of joke to you, Knowles?"Dinah said harshly,making me shrug my shoulders.

"Hanging out?" I said innocently, appearing unfazed by what she called me.

"Trying to get on the pants of one of my cheerleaders again and get one of them pregnant again huh!" She screamed at me, making me feel bad now.

I turned to me to see that Sofia left me alone with Dinah.I walked towards Dinah and wiped her tears away.

Some of you might not believe me but I and Dinah dated on the low last year and I got her pregnant.She didn't keep the baby so I broke up with her and that why we hate each other this much.

I hugged her and she cried into my chest I kissed her head and wiped away my tears.I put her in my car and drove her to her house.

Once we arrived I opened her door and we looked at each other.She look broken and so did I but I'm still made at her for what she did to our baby.

I scoffed and got in my car before I drove away I saw her crying again walking into her house.I drove home thinking about what just happened.

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