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Now, it's no secret to anyone that society has us messed up and that it progressively keeps making it worse, wether we like it or not.

It's a weird thing what inspired me to write this. Over the past month I've had to work out every day and eat extremely cautiously, not having anything slightly fattening, because I had this huge event comming up and for that event, I needed to fit in a certain dress.

The event has passed and I did manage to fit in that dress, so naturally that means I got skinnier.
Today I was trying on some old clothes and I told my mom how they were loose on me, meaning to compliment me she said "of course they're loose, you've gotten so beautiful lately"

It was obviously meant to be taken as a compliment, but it got me thinking, why does me getting slightly more skinny have to mean I've gotten more beautiful?

Everywhere we look we see a prototype of what our bodies are expected to look like by society, and either consciously or subconsciously, we believe it.

We belive that to be beautiful we need to have a small waist, flat stomach, long, thin legs, boobs that are just the right size, not too big, not to small, same goes for the butt.

We are being fed that there is this one body type that is the right one and we should all aspire to have it because having that means having beauty.

And we keep seeing girls around us in magazines, social media, tv shows and even billboards on the streets who have all somehow managed to achieve this certain body type and we keep thinking, if they could, why can't I?

Why did I have to get fat thighs, fat arms, belly fat, too much here and too little there, why can't I just be like them?

But honestly, when you come to think about it, all of that is pure bullshit.

You are you, and you are beautiful and the only person who can decide whether your body is good enough or not is yourself. We can't keep letting the media and society tell us exactly what our bodies should look like to be their definition of beautiful, because who are they to decide what is beautiful and what isn't? You are your own definition of beautiful and if you can believe that, then nothing else matters because the truth is, no matter what you do, in the eyes of the media you'll always be too much or too little, just never perfect, and that is completely fine because it's not their life and it's not their body, it's yours, and you're the only one who can decide what to do with it.

There's this saying in Spanish that goes "no pueden ver ojos bonitos en cara ajena" meaning, they can't see pretty eyes in someone else's face.

In the eyes of society there's always gonna be something to fix about you, they'll keep finding a flaw to pick you over no matter what you do, and that doesn't mean that you're ugly or that you're not good enough, it just means they have no idea what they're talking about.

They are no one to decide if you are beautiful or not and therefore we have no reason to listen to their pointless criticism. You are the only one who can decide whether you believe you're beautiful or not.

So do it. Decide to be your own definition of beautiful. Only you have the power to do that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2017 ⏰

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