Growing Up

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October 31, 1981

‘Not Harry, not Harry, please not Harry!’
‘Stand aside, you silly girl… stand aside, now…’
‘Not Harry, please no, take me, kill me instead –’
-Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban, J.K.Rowling 

‘Avada Kedavra’
The mudblood dead, he turned his wand on the only living being in the room apart from him. A baby in the crib. The child destined to kill him. The child was calm, almost expectant as if it was his father playing tricks to amuse him. As he neared the crib, the child raised his hands asking to be picked up. His magical aura glowing, he would grow up to become a powerful wizard indeed.
The Dark Lord did not know what came over him in that minute and he picked up the baby.
“The light has no chance of surviving now.”
And Harry Potter was dead.
But what was born was deadlier than any force experienced by mankind.


April 14, 1985

Lucius strode through the halls of his Lord’s manor. He was confused, he had been summoned very suddenly. He had been having a nice quiet dinner with his wife when the summons came.
He knocked on the Lord’s study and waited.
The doors opened to give him entrance. The Dark Lord sat behind his desk.
“Ah. Lucius, come in. Come in. I’ve a job for you”


Narcissa had just put Draco to sleep when the wards let her know that Lucius was home. She had been worried about the sudden summon Lucius received. When she met him in the front foyer, he was looking very pale.
“What’s the matter, Lucius?”
“The Dark Lord… he asked me to take Draco to him tomorrow.”
“Why? Certainly he told you why!”
“No, he hasn’t. I’ll take Draco to the Manor tomorrow.”
Narcissa wanted to protest but there was nothing she could do. Once the Dark Lord willed it, it would happen.

The next day

“Come Draco, we mustn’t be late.”
“Yes, Father.”
He walked as fast as he could. He was palpably excited to meet the Dark Lord father always spoke about.


Slytherin Manor

“Lucius, Little Draco, come in.”
Draco felt indignant at being called little but all thoughts fled his mind when he saw the study. And he thought his Father’s study was impressive. It was nothing compared to the room he was in. This room easily double his Father’s study. He looked around with visible awe.
“Draco.” His Father hissed
Draco jumped and came back to reality just in time to see a boy A boy, around his age, with jet black hair and striking emerald eyes walking towards him.


“Harry, it’s rude to keep our guests waiting. Come out.” The Dark Lord called Harry. “He’s still shy. He is not used to anyone around him but me.” He told the other two in the room.
Harry came out. He was excited to meet this boy Father told him about. But after 3 years of only Father and Nagini for company, he had no idea how to act around other people.

He saw the boy and walked towards his with his hand outstretched.

“Hi, I’m Harry. Harry Riddle.”

Lucius was shocked to hear The Dark Lord call someone named ‘Harry’.
He was even more shocked to see a small boy of Draco’s age walking out.
But the biggest shock was his name.
This boy was the Dark Lord’s son.


May 5, 1986, Slytherin Manor Garden Harry- aged 5

Come on.
He can do it. Come on.
Just concentrate. And it will happen. Just like Father did it so many times.
He tries to lift the rock from the ground. Like his father lifts so many other objects. He wants to learn do it too but Father says he is too young. That they will start when he is ready. He IS ready.  And so, he is going to prove it to his Father. And he does.

Harry was so engrossed in concentrating at lifting the rock that he missed the 2 sets of eyes watching him.

“I do believe he is ready, Nagini.”
“Yes, he is, master.”
Harry, startled by the voice, loses the control on the rock which tumbles down.
“Fa… Father. Good Morning. I did not hear you coming.”
“Good Morning, Harry. What were you doing?” The Dark Lord asked. “I believe I told you we weren’t to begin until after you were 6?”
“I know, Father. I just believe I am ready. Can I prove it?”
“Please do”, he allowed.
Clearly excited to finally show his father, Harry concentrated on lifting a nearby rock, and did it successfully.
“I did it, Father!”
“Indeed. I believe you are ready.”
“Yes. We will start tomorrow at 6 a.m. in the duelling room in the west wing. Do not be late.”
“I won’t.”

He couldn’t believe it. He did it. He proved he was ready. Now he could finally start learning magic! He had been taking etiquette lessons with Narcissa, who was his best friend Draco’s mother, since last year but now he could learn magic!


Lucius, Narcissa and Draco Malfoy, Bellatrix, Rudolphus and Rabastan Lestrange, Barty Crouch Jr. and Severus Snape were the only people who knew about The Dark Lord’s heir.

Harry was to start learning magic with the combined effort of all these people. The Dark Lord’s heir was to have everything the best after all.
The Dark Lord would be instructing Harry in Parsel-magic and the most advanced Dark Arts. He would also be training occlumency and legilimency.


Harry receives a wand.

Harry was practically vibrating with excitement. It’s his 7th birthday. The day Father was going to gift him a wand.
They were going to make a customized wand for him as the British Ministry of Magic did not allow kids under age of 11 to possess a wand.
Harry scowled.
How pathetic.

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