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••next morning••

i woke up with really sore eyes,i just didn't want to get out of my bed! but i force myself to get up and start my day,I suddenly realize that i didn't dream of Taehyung today,i was sad,not because i didn't dream of him but...ok maybe its that!:( I guess i was in a really deep sleep. I get ready for school and my mom packs my lunch..but just then i switched on the TV,

'BREAKING NEWS:Current day declared as holiday due to crimes around city.'

I SHOUT WITH EXCITEMENT!! YAYY ITS A HOLIDAY!!!!!!!! I Was soo happy!! i stuffed my breakfast in my mouth and washed up and jumped to my bed and burried myself into the blanket and fluffy pillows .

My mom went to my neighbors house to spent some time there, She spents most of her time there. I was home alone,i just closed my eyes,as i wrapped myself in my blanket ,The only thing i could think of was Taehyung for some reason .The thought of him,not seeing him at all today, it just made me really sad for some reason.

suddenly i felt someone pulling of my blanket really harshly,i knew it was mom since she hated me being lazy in my bed hehhe !! i slowly ,lazily yell at her

" ahh-Eomm-" suddenly i stop and see Jungkook in front of me!!

"annyeong y/n-ah!! how was your sleep uh?"

Ahh he looked soo handsome! his dark red eyes sparkled and his perfect pale skin just became even more perfect! i just sat up and adored him.He looked at me and gave me a face with a lazy smirk on it. i was soo happy he's here!!

"oh! it was good! how did you get in here though?im pretty sure i locked all doors hehhe" i giggled .

" well,but i still have the key to your heart;)" he rubs his neck and winks at me .

" Wahh  jungkook-ah!! cheesy pickup lines don't work with me!!😂" we both laugh.

"Lets go,cmon,get ready"

he holds my wrist with his cold hands and makes me get up on my feet .

"Yah!! go where?? i can't go anywhere,my mom is just in the neighbouring house" i tell him.

" Don't worry! i got you!! nothing's gonna happen" He convinces me. i nod and get ready . We sneak out through the main door.

My mom was still at the neughbours house,In pretty sure she'll only come home by evening.

"Kookie-ah? where are we going ? it's a holiday,all shops and places are closed! " i ask jungkook in doubt.

" aniyo! just wait and see " he grips my hand even more tighter now and interlocks his fingers against mine.

After a while of walking we reach this beautiful place! It was quite a sight!! it was a park..a park filled with hundreds of pink and red roses.

It was so beautiful !!!!! i loved it ! as we walked into the park ,jungkook looked at me and told me,

" You know,i'm a really lucky guy. i really love every moment of today! thank you for being such a good friend*flashes a smile*..but...*looks down* i have to tell you something ..*smile slowly disappears*.."

why do i have a bad feeling about this?..

"what is it jungkook? tell me?"

jungkook looks up at me again, i saw his red eyes sparkling now !

" i...i' a-"he tries to tell me,but he just couldn't get it out, i was pretty sure he was gonna say 'vampire' so i just completed the sentence for him.


"Yes! yes!...i'm soo sorry i should have told earlier, i'm really sorry y/n..i just didn't know how to te-"

jungkook tries to convince me..i was a bit disappointed to know this..but as long as he doesn't try to hurt me right?..

"it's ok kookie, don't apologize,cmon lets just enjoy our time!"

i cheer him up!

"Jinjah?? wahh y/n ! you really are the best!! thank you so much!!"

he flashes a cute bunny smile at me. While we enjoyed our time, i suddenly thought about Taehyung, i haven't seen him for 1 whole day!! where is he ?....:(

Taehyungs gonna be mad at me if i am with jungkook. Aishh i have to stop thinking about that boy. To take my mind off him , i ask jungkook to tell me about him.


"nae?" he answers back

"umm..why don't you tell me some things about you?.."

"alright, i'm jeon jungkook and i have 6 elder brothers and i'm the maknae (the youngest) . Our parents disappeared when i was 4..." he tells without any hesitation and i nod according to his story.

"So since our parents left us,we have the place all to ourselves. It's not that big,but it's home :)..y/n-ah?, why don't you come by once?.."he asks me shyly rubbing his neck.

"Ani! i can't...i-"

"aniyo! it's not a question. I really want you to meet my hyungs,you can know more about me..JEBAL Y/N-Ah!!" *makes cute face*

"Aigoo! you kid! Fine! i'll come then" i say poking his head slowly.

"YAYY!! so tomorrow then?" The cute kookie asks me.

i mean how can i deny? he's been such a good friend to me and i don't think he will hurt me! i mean he ain't like taehyung anyway right? I feel safe with jungkook..

"alright.tomorrow then!":)

i smile at him and he flashes a smile at me. I looked at my watch and it was already noon!!!

A/N- hehhe long chapter..sorry for the wait guys ..i had exams so had to study..sorryyy!!

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