Chapter 11: The Fight

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"W...what?" Rarity cooed. Twilight was breathing heavily as she saw the rainbow girl with a blank face slowly brushing her friend, Pinkie's hair. "!" Fluttershy screamed dropping to the floor unable to accept reality. "Rainbow!?" AJ called. "What the hay did ya do!?" AJ asked making Rainbow look up. She still had a blank face. Roughly, the cowgirl pulled her up and grabbed her by the neck. "Ah said what did ya do?..." she whispered. Rainbow still manged to hold that blank face as if she had no emotion. "WHAT DID YA DO!!!" she screamed shaking the Rainbow girl violently. "AJ! Stop it!" Twilight yelled. Applejack pushed the helpless girl to the ground. There was no sound. Only the sound of her falling. Not even a single peep came out of her mouth.

Not until now. "It's all my fault," she cried out. "It's all my fucking fault!" she continued. "Stop it, Rainbow," Twilight said, not wanting to see her friend suffering in guilt. She placed her hand on Dash's shoulder, only to get a deep scratch from her after. "Get away from me!" She warned. Those warnings soon became into beggings. "Leave me alone already...JUST KILL ME ALREADY!!!" she pleaded. Her friends were shocked to hear this.

All they could do was stare at Rainbow and their now dead friend, Pinkie. "Twilight...Is Pinkie really-" Fluttershy asked. "I'm afraid so..." she sobbed, looking at Pinkie's now lifeless body. She had a smile on her face. It made her friends wonder how she died. Applejack couldn't take it anymore. "YOU MURDERER!" she punched her friend. "AH WAS YOU'RE FRIEND! AND YOU REPAY ME BY KILLING PEOPLE! YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME TOO, AREN'T YOU!? YOU BITCH!" she shook Dash violently again. Dash pushed her making her slam to a wall. "THIS IS BUCKING ON!" AJ screamed before fighting her 'friend'...atleast she used to be.

Her friends stared at their two friends who were getting hurt by each other. It was just cruel, but they couldn't help but watch. They wanted to help but they couldn't. They'd surely get seriously injured. They weren't sure who was gonna win, but what they were sure of, was that one of them would either end up unconscious at the end of the fight...or even worse...dead.

It finally ended. They stared at their unconscious friend. She may even be dead but luckily she was still breathing lightly...for now. They stared at the Rainbow, who won. She wore a psychopathical grin. "Who's next?" she asked looking at her friends.

"Rainbow, stop it!" Twilight screamed. "Why should I? Pinkie said I should have fun...and this is fun! I'm just doing what Pinkie wanted me to do...HAVE FUUUUUUUUUUN!" she shrieked. "But...Pinkie wouldn't have wanted this!" Twilight argued with the psycho. "She loved her friends Rainbow! And if you love someone you wouldn't hurt them!" she continued.

Rainbow looked down, ashamed after some time of thinking. "I'm sorry...I didn't know what got into me," she apologised. "I understand if you can't forgive me but..." Rainbow sobbed. "Don't be silly...darling...we will always forgive you," Rarity hugged Dash making her smile.

Not too long later, AJ woke up. "Huh, where am Ah?" AJ asked no one in particular. At first, her friends thought that she had forgotten even more things but then they noticed she knew exactly what was going on. "Girls, what happened?" No one answered her.

A few minutes passed. No one did anything as AJ looked at the floor. Her thoughts slowly came flooding back. "I'm sorry girls...Ah shouldn't forgotten y'all!" she said suddenly. She looked over to Rainbow who was still sobbing uncontrollably. "But Ah'm mostly sorry to you Dash. I hope you can forgive me," she held Dash's hand. "You shouldn't be apologising," she answered with a smile. "I'm sorry," she apologised with the small smile remaining on her face.

That smile slowly turned into something else

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